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this is how to fix mara.


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1) raise healing up on the tanking stance heal and lower the recast to 2.5 sec from 4.5.


2) Give us one stun, one single stun, you know like every other class in the game.


3) give us one stun, listed twice because its insane not to give us one.


4) give us an ability to siphon health into rage or rage into health.

Edited by direblaze
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I agree we need a stun, but I don't think your gong about it the right way.



I think we need some minor teaks and adjustments.


Our abilities need to be streamlined and trimmed down. This class is way bloated with abilities.


FIx kick and pummel to be less situational and actualy work in pvp.


Fix one of our spells to work on elite enemies/players in pvp. Every one of our abilities that control/stun are for regular or weak mobs.


I would prefer smash to ravage because ravage is channeled and locks me down. It also suffers from huge ability delay bugs.


I can't even remember the name of our aoe stun we get in the high 40s because it sucked that bad.


I would like to have half our defensive cooldowns removed and a lot more passive mitigation added. Really cloak of pain is the only thing we need, but we have sabre ward, undying rage, a horrible force cloak and predation. Roll the 20% mitigation of cloak of pain into passive mitigation and keep ward. I would be happy with that as well.


The whole point of glass cannon classes is they put out the hurt. Since all dps classes at 50 have to be balanced, this never works out .


Sabre throw needs a mjor buff, i don't think 20% healing reduction in pvp is enough. At this current point, their is no reason to bring a marauder anywhere over any class.


This is all simple ideas and suggestions of the top of my head. I don't think the class is that bad. I sum it up simply.


1. 1/2 of this class over inflate the short comings

2. 1/2 of this class over value their worth at farming low level noobs as marauders are viable

3. It is a super fun class to play, but atm the worst in a well balanced game.

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1. Make Deadly Throw 50% healing reduction, 20% is nothing and marauders don't stand a chance against healers


2. Reduce rage cost for retaliation, or increase damage because right now its basically vicious slash without the GC


3. Reduce rage cost for vicious throw, and increase range. 3 rage is too much considering the requirement to use it and the range isn't enough.


4. Make obliterate snare the target because beside force charge its the only gap closer and doesn't work on running enemies.


5. Force Scream should snare or do more damage, it has a cooldown and sometimes does less damage then vicious slash.

Edited by ArkticZenith
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Giving us a stun would be nice, like a force trip, trip a person on its back like for exampel when a Operative/Smuggler opens on you. But with lets say 3 min CD or something.


Dont know about the healing reduction, if we get a stun I dont really know if it would be needed, but if we dont it could get increased to 35% or something, but 50% is to high in my opinion.


For Carnage it would be nice if the Deadly Throw would apply to any specc with the immobolize and instead make a talent that makes Ravage castable while running. Would be better then to have it immobolize the target since half the time people just trinket it and run away. But with this you could just use Deadly Throw first if you dont want them to move and then use Ravage, and if they trinket you can just follow until it ends if you react to it quick enough.


Maby for survivability we could get Force Camo to be a mix between the talents in Anni and Carnage, would help alot and then instead put in some other talents, like in Anni it increase Force Camo lenght by 2 sec and in Carnage Force Camo makes your next 2-3 Ataru form hits to critical hit.




Something I've been thinking about tho is that we should have something else instead of Smash with Rage or in general, considering that we are a lightsaber agile class, why would we smash our fist in to the ground? Suits Juggernauts/Guardians but why not make something thats similar that replaces Smash when you chose Marauder/Sentinel as AC to "Lightsaber Dance" (name just poped up) where we hit with both lightsabers in a short quick dance. Making it hit like Smash in area and damage. Then our 36% offhand damage would actually be of much more use when playing Rage. Would be a cool thing and make us stand out a bit more when playing Rage from Juggernauts and make us a bit closer damage wise within the same specc (since Juggers have the 30% damage increase and we got the 36% offhand damage that would affect the dance). And maby, maby put in that the Dance would do 10% more damage when you have 3/3 in the offhand damage talent so it increase Dance damage by 3.33% eatch talent togheter with the 12% (depends on how much the 36% OH damage would do for the ability in general). That in the end would make it with 3/3 increasing OH damage with 36% and Lightsaber Dance with 10% damage when used.




Would just be fun to see all 3 talent tree's be more close togheter for PvP (dont know how it is in PvE but what I hear Anni is the best followed by Carnage, but yeah havent PvE'd at all yeat so cant say there..).


Anyway, the class is fun to play and all but I just think the class needs some tweaking to make it what it should be. Dont take this wrong I'm not QQing about the class being broken just that we need some tweaking as said. Its more or less just some suggestions and sutch that sounds fun/cool/good at the moment when I'm thinking about it and writing here.

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Giving us a stun would be nice, like a force trip, trip a person on its back like for exampel when a Operative/Smuggler opens on you. But with lets say 3 min CD or something.


Dont know about the healing reduction, if we get a stun I dont really know if it would be needed, but if we dont it could get increased to 35% or something, but 50% is to high in my opinion.


For Carnage it would be nice if the Deadly Throw would apply to any specc with the immobolize and instead make a talent that makes Ravage castable while running. Would be better then to have it immobolize the target since half the time people just trinket it and run away. But with this you could just use Deadly Throw first if you dont want them to move and then use Ravage, and if they trinket you can just follow until it ends if you react to it quick enough.


Maby for survivability we could get Force Camo to be a mix between the talents in Anni and Carnage, would help alot and then instead put in some other talents, like in Anni it increase Force Camo lenght by 2 sec and in Carnage Force Camo makes your next 2-3 Ataru form hits to critical hit.




Something I've been thinking about tho is that we should have something else instead of Smash with Rage or in general, considering that we are a lightsaber agile class, why would we smash our fist in to the ground? Suits Juggernauts/Guardians but why not make something thats similar that replaces Smash when you chose Marauder/Sentinel as AC to "Lightsaber Dance" (name just poped up) where we hit with both lightsabers in a short quick dance. Making it hit like Smash in area and damage. Then our 36% offhand damage would actually be of much more use when playing Rage. Would be a cool thing and make us stand out a bit more when playing Rage from Juggernauts and make us a bit closer damage wise within the same specc (since Juggers have the 30% damage increase and we got the 36% offhand damage that would affect the dance). And maby, maby put in that the Dance would do 10% more damage when you have 3/3 in the offhand damage talent so it increase Dance damage by 3.33% eatch talent togheter with the 12% (depends on how much the 36% OH damage would do for the ability in general). That in the end would make it with 3/3 increasing OH damage with 36% and Lightsaber Dance with 10% damage when used.




Would just be fun to see all 3 talent tree's be more close togheter for PvP (dont know how it is in PvE but what I hear Anni is the best followed by Carnage, but yeah havent PvE'd at all yeat so cant say there..).


Anyway, the class is fun to play and all but I just think the class needs some tweaking to make it what it should be. Dont take this wrong I'm not QQing about the class being broken just that we need some tweaking as said. Its more or less just some suggestions and sutch that sounds fun/cool/good at the moment when I'm thinking about it and writing here.


You do know the whole point of Rage is that it's the shared spec right? Deviating it entirely from Juggernaut would defeat the purpose.


If anything, I'd just like to see ability delay fixed, then we can make our decision once our skills work properly.


As for force camo, I'd be fine with a 1x chance to crit you next melee attack from stealth.

Edited by PseudoPsi
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1. Make Deadly Throw 50% healing reduction, 20% is nothing and marauders don't stand a chance against healers


2. Reduce rage cost for retaliation, or increase damage because right now its basically vicious slash without the GC


3. Reduce rage cost for vicious throw, and increase range. 3 rage is too much considering the requirement to use it and the range isn't enough.


4. Make obliterate snare the target because beside force charge its the only gap closer and doesn't work on running enemies.


5. Force Scream should snare or do more damage, it has a cooldown and sometimes does less damage then vicious slash.


6. Make Savage Kick useable in PVP or give us Force Push


7.Better armor. I know we aren't tanks but Assasin tank's really they have high dps crazy stealth and cc. Yeah..

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You do know the whole point of Rage is that it's the shared spec right? Deviating it entirely from Juggernaut would defeat the purpose.


If anything, I'd just like to see ability delay fixed, then we can make our decision once our skills work properly.


As for force camo, I'd be fine with a 1x chance to crit you next melee attack from stealth.


True true, but if you take for exampel Sorc and Sins (I know one is melee and one is ranged, but still) that both have a Madness tree and that have stuff thats completely different. Just because the spec is called the same dosent mean it has to be exactly the same since the classes arent even the same, Marauder is pure dps, Jugger is a hybrid. But thats just me, since both the classes arent the same anyway in a big way the specc dont have to be 100% the same.


But I see you're point tho :).


And the ability delay I heard/read will be fixed with the 1.2 patch, guess we'll just have to wait and see.

Edited by bushkalle
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Now when thinking about it tho, just the small upgrade to heavy armor and giving us force pull that apparently were in the beta but got taken away. Heavy armor would enough for the moment to test and see how it works out now with more people playing and geared since it is only 5% mitigation or so (but atleast it would help when we jump in to groups and get targeted), we still cant use a shield and sutch so we wouldnt be able to tank and we dont have any tanking stance for increased armor value etc etc..

Would be easier for BioWare when making new armor in raids and all as well when they only need to craft one set instead of two different ones or more..

I mean Warrior/Jedi are the only classes that are split in to two different armor types (which dosent really make sence at all even if we are the more agile class, but we are supposed to be there at the front sliceing people up).

And our armor do look more like a heavy armor then a medium one from the PvP when there's so much metal on to it.


Then the Force Pull would be so sweet that we wouldnt need a stun or sutch that people are screaming for, make it a 0-10/15m range ability.. dosent have to stun or immobolize people, just maby interupt the spell/ability they are casting at that moment.



EDIT: For my Lightsaber Dance idea: After some more thinking I think the 10% increase aint needed since we got the rage and cd reduction with the starting talents in Annhi, but the rest I wouldnt mind seeing.. still feels like we would get something unique.

Edited by bushkalle
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