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Need advise - Watchman or Combat


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I'm rank 39 amost 40 here.. I was watchman for a long time, then switched over to combat. Having a very hard time with combat. I don't see near the damage output.



Is there some trick to using combat skill tree? I hardly ever get my centering up to 30 in pvp. I go 1v1 with sorc, and i die lose most of the time.


What sort of buttons should I be using as combat? I have to be doing something wrong.



With watchman - i leapt, overloaded, zealious strike - usually eitehr leg slashed or cartarized them, then status them if i got into trouble and watch em burn.



What the heck do i do for combat?

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saber throw-force leap+opportune strike-crippling throw(+leg slash or force kick for interrupt if need)-zealous strike-blade rush (+riposte if possible as its not respected by global colldown)-precision slash- blade storm as your main damage spike-(force statis/force kick if he try heal) master strike with root & dispatch as finnisher. Of course you should adapt your routine to combat situation.


Combat is about mobility. Crippling throw with root & force camouflage with root breaker are your great advantages if used well. Fawor transcendence over zen as zen is lackluster for ataru form.

Edited by prokonto
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