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Nub question about Heat...


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is they're a skill on one of the BH > Mercenary tree's that vents heat faster... not the "improved vents" talent that instantly drops it by 8/16, but something that drops it faster? i seem to be right at the top end most of the time doin the first 2 instances... so could someone tell me they'res hope for my future as a Mercenary lol!!


thanks guys!

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You need to keep your heat lower, if you keep it under 40 you regen 5 heat per second but 40-60 u only regen 3 per second and above that you only regen 2... You need to make sure what ever abilitys you use lets you stay under 40 and if you are healing and you go over 40 make sure you chill back and do some auto-attacks until you are under it
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Heat becomes a lot easier to maintain later. There are several heat cost reductions (Muzzle Fluting, Upgraded Arsenal) and a bit later in the tree you vent 8 heat on Missle/Unload crits, with a 3 second cooldown. Between these talents, cooldowns, and making sure your heat rarely jumps above 40 by more than a few points, you can get a pretty decent flow going without using too many rapid shots.


The biggest thing is to keep your heat low though. Once it gets up there you either CD to bring it back, or take a timeout.

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