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Just a thought on Kolto Pack / Infusion...


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As it stands, it's easily my single least used heal.


as it is now... (and let's assume I'm starting fresh and have no UH / TA)


in about 3.5 seconds I can:


cast Underworld Med (2 sec base) + cast Kolto Pack (1.5) = somewhere around 2600 (non-crit, low-ball) healing, 45 energy used




cast Underworld + EMP (counting the gcd after cast) = about 2100 (again not really acounting for much gear or any crits), but only 25 energy (and may even re-proc UH)




meaning that, for all intents and purposes, I'm paying 20 energy for the 500(ish) extra healing. Obviously, panic healing has a cost (and should for that little extra boost, I understand that fully)... the problem for us is that, if we're really trying to save someone from a big burst (which is when we'd normally be willing to pay extra for a little more healing) we are stupid not to use the instant cast heal that is both free of energy cost, and instantly recastable on low health targets.


Let's be honest, there are really only very few situations (like a predictable and very brief burst of heavy damage) where i wouldn't either A) wait the extra .5 second and get a bigger heal that also yields UH/TA . or B) take the free and mobile instant cast heal.


I think reducing the cost is one option ... but what about giving it a little niche of it's own so it doesn't quite feel like the bastard cousin of Underworld Med?



I would propose leaving the cost and output as-is, but making it reproc Slow-release med pack on the target. (not apply a stack, just reset the timer to 18s)


This would both help justify the cost, and give it a place in the rotation (replacing at least one recast of the HoT with an option that is more costly and less mobile, but also more effective than a simple re-hit), and since this interacts with something way up the healing tree it would have no effect on the non healing spec's uses.


At least to me, this would feel like more than enough incentive to bring this ability into usefulness.


Pre-emptive TLDR: Kolto Pack / Infusion have such a tiny niche of usefulness for Smug/IA healers that they're barely worth a keybind... Making if reset the timer on Slow release med pack would give us a real reason to use it.

Edited by skuggz
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The problem with Kolto pack is that emergency medpack is just BETTER.


Kolto pack really strikes me as a non-healer heal to be honest. Something that you do after your burst a sorc down and are left needing a quick, but decent heal.



The Aoe heal in this game for us is horrible still needed but absolutely horrible.

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The problem with Kolto pack is that emergency medpack is just BETTER.


Kolto pack really strikes me as a non-healer heal to be honest. Something that you do after your burst a sorc down and are left needing a quick, but decent heal.


Just to be clear, I totally agree. But doesn't it feel somewhat stupid to have a healing class where one of the healing spells (and it's not like we have a ton) is basically devoid of use to a spec'd healer?


That was my whole point here.... Trying to give it a use in the healing spec.... without changing that "non-healer heal" functionality at all.

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Kolto-pack is a non-healer spell. Emergency pack is a better spell to use for the sawbones.


Even without it, we have tons of helas to use. Hots, aoe hots (for that extra edge), big heal, and a free instant heal. Non-healers only have big heal and a medium heal.

Edited by timewatch
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Kolto-pack is a non-healer spell. Emergency pack is a better spell to use for the sawbones.


Even without it, we have tons of helas to use. Hots, aoe hots (for that extra edge), big heal, and a free instant heal. Non-healers only have big heal and a medium heal.


Ok, I guess I'm just the only one who's not content with being a healer and having healing spells that are worthless to me... It's not like I'm really struggling to heal, so I can live with that... I was just trying to push along the game and give us more options.




As to the "we have tons of heals thing, I guess that's relative... We have a main heal, an HoT, an Aoe HoT, a channeled, but very small heal thats a filler / top off tool, and a instant cast heal (that's dependent on proc's from the main heal / HoT)... and I suppose I'll grant you Triage as well since it can be talented into some healing


But, compare this to Sorc's / Sages who have big, small, HoT, AoE HoT, their cure, thier channeled heal, and a shield. Do they have spells that are "non-healer heals?"


In direct comparison, we're one short if I give away Kolto Pack as "useless."


I have to assume the intent was that all the healers have the same general array of tools to work with. Hence my interest in making Kolto at least relevant to healers.


I'm not sure why everyone seems so ready to just write it off and move on... Oh well.... I can take a hint.

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