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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

UI suggestions, please add !!!


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Since Bioware has highlighted UI changes as part of their priority list ATM, I figured I'd try to start a thread so people could list their most important UI suggestions.


Please try to keep this specifically to UI development, SANS MODS. there are enough posts out there about mod additions that we don't need to add to that. What I'm specifically looking for is suggestions they can add/change to the official UI.


to start, here's a few of mine:


1) Scale. this is a very big one, but basic. Probably will be implemented (saw it in the vid), but figured I'd put it here for the sake of it.


2) Movable elements. Whether it's a tag portion that you can drag (like LotRO has), or simply make the elements fully movable, we need to be able to adjust.


3) eliminate the "auto-adjusting" of the windows. I hate having my bags open on one side, then my email on the other, and have the email slam over the other side when I close my bags. it should stay where it's put unless i want to move it.


4) small one, but please make the mail feature put the cursor IN the Name window when I select the send tab. also give it auto-fill if the player is on the server at all, rather then guild specific.


5) Auto-Sort for bags is a big one! Really tired of having to manually go through my bag and move stuff around. make it a togg-able feature so those who like to control bag space can do so.


6) While were at it, give us a filter to automatically sell stuff at a vendor. filter it based on item rarity, and let us pick the rarity level to sell. being able to have your companion sell grey items in the wilderness is a nice feature, but it shouldn't be the only option.

Edited by Elyx
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Most everything on your list is already being added.. Except sorting.. I don't understand why we would need that??


Personall I sort the stuff myself, because I know how I want it organized.. How is the computer supposed to know that I want artifacts seperate and together, All chrystals should be sorted by both size, color, and rarity..


I'll just do it myself, instead of having a function that could cause me grief..


Your companion can be sent to sell all grays at any time.. What is wrong with that?? :)

Edited by MajikMyst
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