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What is a good number for STR attribute?


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I'm curious how my character is developing. Currently my PVE Str is like 988ish (I don't remember what my PvP is, but it's like 1050 or something?


Anyway here's how my character stands:


Level: 49 (About 80% left until 50)

Armor: No PvP all about lvl 47 armor.

Datacrons: 67/67 (Still need to acquire the +10 Fleet Datacrons)

Haven't yet done my Matrix Shard relic (Will probably do the biggest Str one (GGG?))



Are there any lvl 50s with full champion armor or all datacrons that can post their attributes so I can see if I'm on the right track? Am I wrong to be focusing solely on Str?

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i think i have around 1550 ish str with stim and maybe with the Inquisitor buff , probably around 1400ish unbuffed can't really tell from memory.

End is around 1450 as well, 16300hp unbuffed i think.


mostly champion gear , pve hands and battlemaster chest. have the dps matrix cube , but didn't do much of the datacrons.

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