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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

1st cross server queues, 2nd server merges


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These two things have to be put on the fast track. 90% of my game time is in warzones. I pretty much refuse to do huttball. I want to queue for Alderaan (which is my favorite), and sometimes Voidstar. My server doesn't have enough republic players to play against.


On Ilum the faction imbalance is causing problems too.

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No way , I PVP less than 10% of the time so you can keep these on the back burner. It's all about my game isn't it?


Let me get this straight. You want more content? What I want is pretty easy to accomplish. Content is expensive, and requires time.

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Cross server wont change the huttball problem there, almost every server is Empire heavy.


This, so much this.


If people weren't obsessed with being the "bad guys", this wouldn't be a problem.


Can't say I didn't see this coming. This isn't a population problem on a single server. Most servers heavily favor the empire.


Expanding the queue to cross-server will not fix the problem, not if every other server has the same problem as the OPs.

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