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Bioware Please.........


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Implement a Deserter buff so that if someone drops a warzone they have to wait 30 mins before they can Requeue (this will make all the leavers just leaving trying to get a win they probably dont deserve stay or take atleast 2 hours to get their non deserved wins)


Also Increase Sorc Damage to make it on par with high armor mercs. Or lower everyone elses resists and take away all shields....

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Until they fix the crashes to desktop while in pvp, charging out into empty space and getting booted, and various other crap that results in people being booted for no *********** reason.




And way to make yet another useless thread. there isn't 50 of these whines already.

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Until I can choose which warzone I want to play and until I can choose NOT to be thrown into already losing warzones then there should be no deserter penalty. Also like the above posted said, people leave when their team suck, so if you find that everyone keeps leaving on your team then you may be part of the problem. I have never had someone leave where if he had stayed we would have won the game. Edited by Shendaar
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people leave when people suck....suck less and you won't get people bailing on you


Basically this. L2P instead of thinking you are shut down in a pit with 4 pillars and people might actually stay and cooperate.


I'm not going to stay in group with bunch of monkeys that do not know how to throw a damn ball or all 5 try to plant bomb with me only trying to stop advancing force.

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Implement a Deserter buff so that if someone drops a warzone they have to wait 30 mins before they can Requeue (this will make all the leavers just leaving trying to get a win they probably dont deserve stay or take atleast 2 hours to get their non deserved wins)


Also Increase Sorc Damage to make it on par with high armor mercs. Or lower everyone elses resists and take away all shields....




Just friggin' STOP with this NONSENSE.


Do you want a deserter debuff? Really? Do you KNOW what will happen?




That is ALL that Deserter debuff will accomplish.


I will give you an example that is exactly 45 mins old. I queue into a WZ. I get a team with 4 level 10-13s. Meaning by the time the enemy is capping the flag, they're just slowboating to where the fight used to be 5 minutes ago. And 2 AFKs, one of them level 49 Merc, which I find hilarious - he could rip his way through most of them with ease. In 1 min into the match, enemy team had a cap, and then started farming us.


Now, I simply left. No point wasting 15 mins on that.


If YOU have your way, guess what I would have done? Gone AFK! Is that better? Does it make you happier?


And if AFKing becomes bannable, which it NEVER will, and never has, in any MMO, ever. Guess what I would do? Leave, and play an alt.


Bottom line - DESERTER DEBUFF IS A STUPID IDEA! Thank you! :rolleyes:

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Implement a Deserter buff so that if someone drops a warzone they have to wait 30 mins before they can Requeue (this will make all the leavers just leaving trying to get a win they probably dont deserve stay or take atleast 2 hours to get their non deserved wins)


Also Increase Sorc Damage to make it on par with high armor mercs. Or lower everyone elses resists and take away all shields....


First, if they do a deserter debuff, make it only 10 mins, 30 is stupid and will be more trouble than benefit. 10 mins as impatient as folks are, will be fine. Because they will still think and say to themselves,"Ok 10 mins in this match trying to make a come back, or 10 mins twiddling my damn thumbs" It would work for what you are looking for without being over punishment.


Second, Sorcs are fine, and the classes pretty much balanced. I would hold off on too much balancing this early on, since they will need to do a bunch more testing of class balance in the stupid expertise gear. I call it stupid because classes will balance against non-expertise gameplay for level 1-49, then it will be a different balance at 50, however they will screw up one balancing for the other. Expertise is dumb like resilience was dumb, and if BW is going to straight copy WoW, at least understand why WoW did what they did, and avoid making their same damn mistakes.

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Any sort of leaver penalty is bad. Crashes and bugs, terrible terrible players, going against pre-mades, etc. I'd rather leave and let the other team get their win for dailies then sit there for 15 minutes getting farmed. No one likes to have their time wasted by forces outside of our own control. It's a team game, if you have weak links against a team without any - you lose and you lose fast. Then the greed takes over for farming medals since they already have the win bagged.
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