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Why I DIDN'T cancel my account.


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I didn't think the mods allowed anybody to say anything positive on these forums. /resubbed for 3 months. Having fun.


same here, been fortunate myself and have not experienced any major bugs. Having a great time playing and will so for the forseeable future.

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I’m still here because it had, and has, incredible potential and I’m having lots of fun but I intend to give it a few months prior to deciding whether it is an interim MMO or a long-term commitment for me. At present, some staff members, particularly the community manager, are too akin to the conceited, stubborn individuals that brought FFXIV to its knees before it was even released by ignoring the rigorous, substantiated arguments of testers/players.


Whilst I understand it if they ignore whiny arguments reliant on confirmation bias, pride, or egotism, they also ignore legitimate issues in favour of their whimsical guesswork or vacuous, subjectivity-based arguments (or don’t reply to an issue at all). Of course, it must be said that they are very responsive in other areas and have impeccable levels of communication in those areas. Further, any issues are in the minority for me but are still a significant minority.


Sadly, whether people think comparisons to other MMOs are valid or not, they are still competing for market share with those MMOs in their present incarnation. If that is the case then they cannot afford to shun those that want, for instance, specific server forums or relatively simple matters clarified/fixed.


Personally, I’m finding it hard to feel a sense of embedded loyalty to this game. I find its ‘traditional’ CC/knockback/interrupt ridden paradigm irritating and it feels far too cold to love. It’s feels like a hospital rather than a home. Having said that, it’s still better than the shambles on offer elsewhere. For something I’ve hoped for since playing KoTOR I/II, this feels like ‘best of the worst’ rather than something new or amazing. I had hoped it would be the equivalent of KoTOR for the MMO genre, a breath of fresh air. Naturally, it's my fault for assuming it would be that but it doesn't stop me feeling disappointed.

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I subscribed because i only made it to lvl 41 since early access. I am also taking my time and enjoying every minute. How people are bored is beyond me because i've only seen a small portion of everything there is to see. Havent been to any planet after Taris, only did one space mission, a few flashpoints, and minimal datacron searching since Nar Shaddaa.
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I love this game, but the sheer amount of whining is getting out of hand. I can't browse any part of the forum without someone QQing about something.


That's simply untrue. All the Bioware Defence Force posted endlessly about the utopia the forums would be as of Jan 20th. There are no complaints now!:mad:

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