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Romance need more content!


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Hi :)


Today i finished the romance-arc with Jaesa, and i feel.. disapointed! What about you? I mean, once you've finished the arc, you can't talk to her anymore in your ship, you can't really interact with her!


What's the point then? I think they should add more content, like daily quests, the possibility to interact with your companion whenever you want etc...I've searched but i didn't find any informations about future content, only stuffs about same-sex relationship, so if anyone knows something :).


I'd like to know if i'm the only one thinking that there's not enought companions content.


Thanks :D

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Hehe, this is something I was wondering about too, according to the story line I have a pretty serious romance going with my companion, but outside those conversations there is absolutely no way to know at all. I still get all the same canned responses from my companion - I tried clicking a lot to see if even one was new... nope. Not even a "honey I'm home" or a kiss once in awhile...


The devs should have made a different set of canned responses at affection grows so it actually changes the game... so your choices really matter in more than a couple of cut scenes and count for something.


Right now romance is kinda lacking in that manner. So it's not a huge thing at all.

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