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Type 2 Resource gathering..


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For every crafting level (1-6), there seems to be two types of material, as in..

Level 1 Scavenging: you got 2 types of metal (type 1, dash and type 2, aluminum) and 2 types of compounds as well.


On the home-world, there are plenty of resource nodes that yield Type 1 mats, except Type 1 mats can only be used to craft like item lvl 9-13, which means anything you craft with them is already obsolete.. (usually, I'm lvl 13+ when I arrive to my home-world).


Type 2 resource nodes are virtually non-existent on the capital planet, with the few, rare exception close to the very end (Dark Temple entrance, Works area).

Which makes Type 2 resources a pain to gather, for once I get to the next planet, I am suddenly finding Level 2 resource nodes.. Sending companions to perform scavenging missions also tends to yield wrong type of materials (usually type 1).


This pattern also seems to hold true for archeology as well, and it carries on to higher levels. Sending out 3-4 companions on 30+ minutes gathering missions, each costing around 2k, just so they come back with the wrong type can get kinda frustrating..


Anyone else experiencing similar problems?

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First and foremost, I may have misinterpreted your post but if I didn't please read the following:


The gathering points across the planets provide commensurate tier crafting materials relative to the level of the planet. You can even extend this to a more accurate model: the tier of the gathering points' materials are of use to similarly leveled equipment. For instance: on Dromund Kaas the materials (tier 1 materials) will generally address schematics in between level 10-16. On Balmorra, the materials (tier 1 and 2) will be for schematics levelled 10-16 and 17-24. On Nar Shaddaa the materials (tier 2) will mainly be for schematics in between 17-24. On Tatooine, tier 2 and tier 3 materials appear will be for schematics 17-24 and 25-32 (subsequently 17-32).


Stop wasting precious credits on missions and level your character, you'll be able to farm more materials with ease on higher leveled planet.


Best wishes,

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I wasn't even gonna get into -that-, the fact that planets are way 'underrated'..

Say, Alderaan is supposed to be lvl 28-32, but I'm usually around lvl 31 when I get there. And that's without doing (grinding) Flashpoints, Heroics or (excessive) pvp.. So yes, I'm obviously way ahead on the available material/craftable item curve.


Nonetheless, my original post is about how on any given planet, there are say 2 types of metal you can gather, yet 90% of the nodes yield type 1. This makes crafting items that require type 2 mats a pain..

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I've run into the same problem on several tiers but I think it has more to do with being overleveled for the planet than it does with the nodes not existing. I always find them eventually but usually a couple levels after I wanted them.


Sadly everything in this game gives too much exp to stay at intended level for things which makes this a problem. I think the nodes would be close perfect as they are IF we leveled at the pace to always be at the quest level. Unfortunately everyone I know always has green quests which means the nodes lag as well. I wish they would take that into consideration and give a 10-20% chance for all those first nodes to be the second version.

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I wasn't even gonna get into -that-, the fact that planets are way 'underrated'..

Say, Alderaan is supposed to be lvl 28-32, but I'm usually around lvl 31 when I get there. And that's without doing (grinding) Flashpoints, Heroics or (excessive) pvp.. So yes, I'm obviously way ahead on the available material/craftable item curve.


Nonetheless, my original post is about how on any given planet, there are say 2 types of metal you can gather, yet 90% of the nodes yield type 1. This makes crafting items that require type 2 mats a pain..


I hear you well. Gathering Aluminium and Laminoid from nodes is a pain, much faster to simply run missions.

I do not understand why they did it this way, one you hit level 10 is usually when you arrive at fleet and the first item you can make is Level 9.



I believe that making first craftable items level 14+ AND use grade 1.0 material would make crafting low more viable.



I've run into the same problem on several tiers but I think it has more to do with being overleveled for the planet than it does with the nodes not existing. I always find them eventually but usually a couple levels after I wanted them.


Sadly everything in this game gives too much exp to stay at intended level for things which makes this a problem. I think the nodes would be close perfect as they are IF we leveled at the pace to always be at the quest level. Unfortunately everyone I know always has green quests which means the nodes lag as well. I wish they would take that into consideration and give a 10-20% chance for all those first nodes to be the second version.


The system is flawed from the core, many things hang together and cause problems for one another.


1) Nodes are guarded by mobs in one way or another, in order to gather material you will have to fight something at some point.

2) If you are too low on level mobs will be attracted to you like a metal spoon to a magnet.

3) Locations with rich amounts of certain material are usually guarded by very strong mobs.

4) If you wish to craft a "GOOD" and by good I mean Blue item with augment slot, you will need a stack of 50/50 metal/compound and 99/99 if you are really unlucky. Naturally if you want to craft purple you might want to double the amount of mats you need. (NOT taking in account mats you get from missions, since they dont cause your character to level).

5) Material cost is usually of wack, 6 aluminium and 4 Laminoid or 10 Laminoid and then something 6 missions mats.

6) You end up running out of one material or another faster then you get what you want unless you farm for hours.

Edited by ZingFreelancer
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