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Credit Farmers Still Exploiting Chests on Ilum


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I can only speak for Lord Praven, but I suspect other servers are experiencing this as well. For at least the past week I have seen a level 12 character sitting at at least two of the re-spawnable loot chests on Ilum. These chests are not guarded by any type of NPC, and thus the character just sits there, 24/7, farming this chest. They loot it so fast, that myself and 3 other friends were unable to click the chest faster than this "person". The player doesn't even leave the chest to sell his loot. If you wait long enough, you'll see another level 12 player come and trade with them and then fast travel out.


The mechanics of this are very obviously 3rd party automatic scripting software, as the player is there 24/7 and always instantly loots the chest. I have put in tickets as have my friends and guildmates; always with an automated reply (which is expected). Sadly nothing has ever been done about this issue, and I begin to believe that the right people never became aware of this farming practice. Thus I bring it to the community in hopes that we may bring it to the right person's attention.

Edited by Bovive
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