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My Main 2 Issues With PvP


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Any reason why these BattleMasters do not come on the forums?




We would all benefit from there knowledge so Just knowing stuff and saying the forms are crap, without trying to make them better and making sure all us n00bs can learn from their experience does not sit very well with me.

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Sorry, but no one on the forums has as much credibility as the experienced players most of us speak to in game. In fact, I'd say that posts like this are why the Assassin sub-forum is one of the worst.


I wish I took a screenshot of the battlemaster assassins I spoke to calling the darkness and hybrid builds "gimmicky and a waste of time". One of them said that the forum goblins were looking for a solution to a problem that doesn't exist. They are 100% correct and killed your credibility.


1. Battlemaster means nothing. See first day of 1.1 ilum where half the population got battlemaster in 3 hours.


2. I'll repeat again. I experienced both. I know the difference. The problem: The deception defensive talents need to be merged and replaced with more useful talents.

Edited by WoodyDave
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What this argument all comes down to is three types of people...


1. The "gimped" noob who doesn't quite know how to handle his class.

2. The "I'm all godly and uber" PvPer claiming he's so good the class needs nerfs, if anything.

3. The reasonable individual, like myself...Who can see that this DPS class can be out-DPSed quite easily by other classes, such as PT Bounty Hunters, which are meant to be TANKS, NOT DPS.


If a powertech BH can out-damage a Madness/Deception Assassin, it's quite obvious some fixes need to be made. Most of us reasonable people are not looking for ungodly abilities. We simply want to feel like we're playing the role we're meant to play...A DPS role.


We already have the weakest armor/survivability, I don't think there's any arguing with that. So why do people think it's simply okay that we deal less DPS than other classes? IMHO, weakest survivability PLUS melee-ranged damage should = strongest DPS...Not Mediocre DPS.

Edited by Weioo
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3. The reasonable individual, like myself...Who can see that this DPS class can be out-DPSed quite easily by other classes, such as PT Bounty Hunters, which are meant to be TANKS, NOT DPS.


Powertechs are meant to be tanks just as much as Assassins are; in other words, if a Powertech is specced into their tanking tree they're a tank. If they're specced into their DPS tree, they're a DPS.

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3. The reasonable individual, like myself...Who can see that this DPS class can be out-DPSed quite easily by other classes, such as PT Bounty Hunters, which are meant to be TANKS, NOT DPS.





Fail on so many levels.




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Darkness has no burst because when your Force Lightning hits for 4000 damage on average on anyone that isn't heavy armor, you don't really need burst on anyone except Commandos because you'll just get angry that 7000 damage Force Lighthing powered by Recklessness only ticked 2 times before the enemy died.


Energized Shock is far more useful than Maul, which is the only hard hitting move Deception has that is different from the Darkness rotation.

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