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Lore questions - Different species related via family? Sith And Jedi in same family?


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I have some lore questions. I'm not the best at lore since all i've seen is the movies and some of the clone wars cg series. Basically, can different species be related via family? Currently I have two humans and cyborg but can say a Chiss, Twil'lek or some other species be related to them some way? Also, can Jedi and Sith both be in a family at the same time or through different generations?


I'm asking this because I may get into Rp along the road and maybe write some fan fiction to put up in the fan fiction forum. Want to make sure I get my lore right.

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Adoption, maybe. I don't think there's much precedent for mixed-species characters in Star Wars (not outside of Near Human races), though I guess I could be wrong.


Jedi and Sith are ideologies. Much like you can have both Republican and Democrat members in the same family ... though it's less likely, as Force Sensitives in Republic Space will be plucked by Jedis, and Force Sensitives in Sith Space will be shipped off to Korriban. Not impossible, though.

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Regarding the subject of mixed species, the Hybrid article on Wookiepedia might be useful. I don't think the lore really goes into this, but I would assume for convenience that anything compatible with humans is compatible with other human compatible species. Note that the Twi'lek part is a touchy subject for some people, so avoidng that might be a wise idea.


And if this is about the legacy system, I believe thsystem is supposed to be larger than just direct bloodlines. So it would encompass things like adoption, padawans, apprentices, and similar sorts of things.

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The Human species was able to interbreed with the Coynite, Echani, Ferroan, Hamadryas, Kiffar,Miraluka, Nagai, Theelin, Twi'lek, and Zabrak species. When Humans bred with the Kalai, the resulting offspring were known as Lethagoe. On the other hand, Humans were unable to interbreed with the Anzati, Qiraash, Rattataki, or Umbaran species without genetic manipulation. Humans were only able to breed with the Sith through the use of Sith alchemy. Humans were also incompatible with the Bothan species.

Other compatible hybrid combinations included Borneck with Etti. Other incompatible combinations included Gotal and H'nemthe. copied from wiki link here http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Hybrid

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