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Tracer missile tracer missile tracer missile tracer missile tracer missile


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Again, a little research goes along way: You only need to fire off 3 Tracers / Gravs to get full stacks, because there is a talent that gives you 2 stacks per shot.


Also it is not in anyway the most effective tactic. Rail shot, Unload + Barrage Proc, and Heatseeker all do more damage for less heat.


If you see a Merc / Commando sitting there spamming tracer missile, be glad, because he could be doing lots of other things that would be way worse for you to be on the receiving end of.

Oh, sure. I didn't research; I was basing my comments off my knowledge gleaned playing my level 23 Commando. :)
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I can kill level 15s and level 20s in unbracketed warzones with 15% expertise/full critical chance too!


I can do that too as a Sith Sorcer in full PVP gear/Crit gear.


Lightning Strike! 4k! Lightning Strike 4k!

Edited by Daecollo
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Force Lightning Force Lightning Force Lightning Force Lightning

Force Lightning Force Lightning Force Lightning Force Lightning

Force Lightning Force Lightning Force Lightning Force Lightning

Force Lightning Force Lightning Force Lightning Force Lightning

Force Lightning Force Lightning Force Lightning Force Lightning


kidding though..i play sage :p

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Don't hate the player, hate the game. Sure, there are morons that only spam Tracer Missile left and right. Those are the guys that I call out to grief in guild vent whenever we play Huttball. Merc/Trooper are usually on my KOS list when I play my Marauder. It always cracks me up to interrupt them and just see them back pedal until my my interrupt refreshes, just so I can do it again. Mind you, I've played a Merc for well over 7 months since beta so it's not like I hate the class. Far from it.


The way Arsenal/Gunnery is built is the main reason for why there is so much Tracer/Grav spam. If the devs made Power Shot/Charged Bolts as useful, if not more, it wouldn't be an issue. I highly doubt it will get nerfed and if it does, other attacks will just get more powerful. Of course, then there will just be another thread QQing about that as well. Hmmm, just thinking about Death From Above on a shorter CD or Power Shot doing 2X more damage is making me giddy with anticipation of the river of tears that would cause.

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Don't hate the player, hate the game. Sure, there are morons that only spam Tracer Missile left and right. Those are the guys that I call out to grief in guild vent whenever we play Huttball. Merc/Trooper are usually on my KOS list when I play my Marauder. It always cracks me up to interrupt them and just see them back pedal until my my interrupt refreshes, just so I can do it again. Mind you, I've played a Merc for well over 7 months since beta so it's not like I hate the class. Far from it.


The way Arsenal/Gunnery is built is the main reason for why there is so much Tracer/Grav spam. If the devs made Power Shot/Charged Bolts as useful, if not more, it wouldn't be an issue. I highly doubt it will get nerfed and if it does, other attacks will just get more powerful. Of course, then there will just be another thread QQing about that as well. Hmmm, just thinking about Death From Above on a shorter CD or Power Shot doing 2X more damage is making me giddy with anticipation of the river of tears that would cause.


Just add a CD to Tracer/make other missiles proc Heat Signatures/the other talents and cast faster.


Fusion Missile should be 1.5 Cast/16 heat as well.


Or Changing Unload to shoot multiple rockets at the target/proc heat signatures/other things.

Edited by Daecollo
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Just add a CD to Tracer/make other missiles proc Heat Signatures/the other talents and cast faster.


Fusion Missile should be 1.5 Cast/16 heat as well.


Or Changing Unload to shoot multiple rockets at the target/proc heat signatures/other things.


There's a lot more than could be done but it would need a redesign of the tree(s). I have a list of ideas and notes I've been holding on to for the last few months I've been meaning to post on the Merc forums, but I'm having too much fun with my Marauder. I'll get to it eventually in the next week.

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Don't worry commandos are getting the nerf bat nex. Grav rounds, self healing, ranged, no cooldown, heavy armor etc. Its getting so bad on my server where premades are mostly commandos with a few healers just focus firing people down in seconds. They should have been nerfed before scoundrels even.
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Don't worry commandos are getting the nerf bat nex. Grav rounds, self healing, ranged, no cooldown, heavy armor etc. Its getting so bad on my server where premades are mostly commandos with a few healers just focus firing people down in seconds. They should have been nerfed before scoundrels even.


Yes because they have infinite heat and can do everything!

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pretty much all i used on my arsenal merc was tracer and Dfa..


Bored me to tears.


can't imagine how dull it would be to do that all the way to 50..


It's a shame, they have a lot of other cool stuff too, but theyre pretty much redundant.

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It's Bioware not testing **** before it comes out.


god, honestly, I'd be happy if they left Ops/Smugglers the way they are and they got rid of that ****.


I swear to God all I hear is Grav round spammed and I'm dead in 4 seconds.

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Don't worry commandos are getting the nerf bat nex. Grav rounds, self healing, ranged, no cooldown, heavy armor etc. Its getting so bad on my server where premades are mostly commandos with a few healers just focus firing people down in seconds. They should have been nerfed before scoundrels even.


Lol I switched specs on my medic commando and went to grav round spec and grav round hit for nothing. I wish it was as great as people say. I specd right back to heals.

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Im really not whining... I hear fellow Commandos complain and whine about losing to bhs all the time... but, in a 2 on 2 with one friend being a dps... i always win... I am a healer... And commandos are mostly medics, not DPS, I actually thought until A week before i got this game that Commandos were tank and dps and vanguard was heal/dps.... While im a decent medic.... Im no PvPer without others.
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I swear to God all I hear is Grav round spammed and I'm dead in 4 seconds.

I swear to god you didnt see them throw demolition round and high impact bolt to you even though they did, seriously even idiots know not to spam 1 ability if they have even 2 more on their arsenal to make you dead faster...


Grav round/tracer missile isnt the problem, bad players are.


I play commando and i say it again, i get utterly destroyed if 1-2 well playing melee decides to make me their target and they usually do because only idiots leave TURRET class ALONE spamming his skills... you know, there's skills like interrupt/stun/cc/los etc?


also the thought that grav round spammers can just selfheal themselves up is a lie, if you spec deep in arsenal/gunnery your heals get interrupted by pushback a lot and even then you only get good heal on yourself if it happens to crit and lets not forget they cost huge amounts of heat/ammo.

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I lol at tracer miss. Just interrupt then Beat em down. Stun then kill. Easy as pie.


This guys has it right. Also, if you check that video of the Merc with only Tracer Missile, he's fighting people who are NOT 50. They do NOT have gear. They do NOT know how to play their classes. They do NOT know how to fight other classes. That video proves nothing.


Also, I am not a trooper.

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I swear to god you didnt see them throw demolition round and high impact bolt to you even though they did, seriously even idiots know not to spam 1 ability if they have even 2 more on their arsenal to make you dead faster...


Grav round/tracer missile isnt the problem, bad players are.


I play commando and i say it again, i get utterly destroyed if 1-2 well playing melee decides to make me their target and they usually do because only idiots leave TURRET class ALONE spamming his skills... you know, there's skills like interrupt/stun/cc/los etc?


also the thought that grav round spammers can just selfheal themselves up is a lie, if you spec deep in arsenal/gunnery your heals get interrupted by pushback a lot and even then you only get good heal on yourself if it happens to crit and lets not forget they cost huge amounts of heat/ammo.


Yeah, if ppl would read what their skills do, they would understand what grav round is really for...setting up our nukes. The good players are easy to spot...and I thank them for making pvp challenging. As gunnery my heals are crap. I get the 2.5k medal only when I crit...really useful healing for 2's otherwise. We also have other skills that are very useful in protecting healers, helping out melee, and defending turrets/doors/ball carriers. When ppl stop chasing damage and big numbers, gunnery becomes much more than a 1 button spam class.

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Yeah, if ppl would read what their skills do, they would understand what grav round is really for...setting up our nukes. The good players are easy to spot...and I thank them for making pvp challenging. As gunnery my heals are crap. I get the 2.5k medal only when I crit...really useful healing for 2's otherwise. We also have other skills that are very useful in protecting healers, helping out melee, and defending turrets/doors/ball carriers. When ppl stop chasing damage and big numbers, gunnery becomes much more than a 1 button spam class.


Wish i could heal for 2k.


I didnt realize that healing for 2k wasnt a lot.


Im a tank btw, I know im crazy for not rolling one of the many classes that can tank, dps, and heal at the same time and say "my heals arent that great"


I can just tank.

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