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Armormechs, do you RE yourself purples, blues, or just stay with greens?


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I RE them all at least till I get the next rank in schematics. I have no where near even half the recipes yet, but I've gotten a good chunk of my blue schems and about a dozen purple schems.


Is it practical to burn the creds on getting every schem out there?... No.. but to me it's the principle of the thing!:D

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Hi OP,


Simple answer to your question is Yes I do.:)


The more complicated answer involves a number of factors

  • I have a guild mate who is a total scavenger and feeds me loads of scavenged metals on a daily basis
  • I am a scavenging hound, who spends much of my game time running from one scavenge node to another whilst slowly completing the missions.
  • I have a mission alt who pretty much lives on the fleet and sends his companions off on Underworld Trading/Investigation/Slicing missions for materials, schematics and augments. He tends to break even between the slicing lockboxes and selling anything my main cannot use.

The final factor is that I have kept my Armormech skill ahead of my player level. So I am usually able to craft gear to have ready at the next level (normally a level range).


I have found that a Tier 2 prefix item (especially with an augment slot) can be competetive for quite a few levels before you find anything better in game. A Tier 1 prefix item with an augment slot can be good for at least 3-4 levels. So by leapfrogging my gear every few levels I have been able to keep myself geared up well since level 15 or so.


By being able to concentrate on one or two slots for a couple of levels I have been able to gather enough resources through the game to craft and RE to at least Tier 1 prefix with Augment in every slot, and often Tier 2 or Tier 2 with augment.


I normally follow this path.


  • Pick a slot that is falling behind
  • Select or buy a schematic for 1-3 levels above my current level
  • Check I have enough resources to craft 15 - 20 basic items
  • Craft 10
  • Put 1 basic item with augment (after 10 tries I normally have 2 or more) in hold for safekeeping
  • Reverse Engineer the other 9 for Tier 1 Schematics
  • If I don't get the Tier 1 prefix schematic I wanted then repeat with 5 at a time until I have it (it normally takes between 14 and 24 tries to get all 3)
  • Check I have enough resources to craft at least 5 tier 1 items
  • Assuming (and this is normally the case) I am short of Underworld metals, start sending out crew on missions to gather
  • Craft 3-5 Tier 1 prefix items
  • Put 1 item (especially if it has an augment slot) into the hold
  • RE the other items and the basic item from before as it is no longer needed
  • Rinse and repeat until I get a Tier 2 Schematic or hit the level for the item.
  • If I get a Tier 2 Schematic, then craft that and put it into my hold ready for when I level
  • If I don't by the time I reach the item level then just go with the Tier 1 prefix item (hopefully with an augment slot).
  • Select Next item slot and repeat from start.


From time to time I find I have enough materials to go a bit further and either keep RE'ing the Tier 1's for a more appropriate Tier 2 Shematic, or keep crafting the Tier 2 for an augment slot.


I also do a quick sweep pf the GTN to see if the Tier 1 or Tier 2 prefix items are marketable and will sometimes place any spares (overcrafts with augments etc.) up for some quick cash.


I also craft for guildies (most often for their companions),


Anyway sorry for the long reply, but like I said it's a complex question and whilst my approach works for me and my guild mates, it may not work for many others, hence I felt it best to explain at length rather than the quick reply :cool:




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The approach Wolf describes has potential, but I think you are far better off doing the equivalent with Cybertech. Far less RE and by extension, resources, is required to keep up with modifications. It also gives you a bit more control over your appearance, if that is important to you. At least until 50. You can't make enhancements, but you should earn enough commendations to keep them current.
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I'm level 50 now, 400 armormech (been at that point for a time) and can't say I've every worn anything made through it, sadly.


It was simply far more effective to run instances and pvp, do quests and then upgrade my gear with new mods (through commendations) as I went along.


I'm currently making some stuff for my smuggler alt, I just RE greens I make until I get blues, then RE those until I get purples.

Problem is underworld trading (which I don't have on my main), which I will level on my alt.


I'd make epic lvl 50 gear, but I first want to level up underworld trading myself. That seems like a better investment than buying mandalorian iron for crazy amounts of money.

Edited by Fdzzaigl
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Whelp, 360 Synthweaver here.


What I've been doing:

RE:ing the blue version for every armor trying to stay 4 levels ahead of me. Chest armor I take to purple.

Did this for both primary companion and myself. Jedi light armor robes look so Fugly though that I stopped doing chest/legs for companion, and replaced it with orange social armor upgrading via mods.


If/When I get within 2 levels of the stuff I'm making, (typically only happens with chest armor) I switch to crafting only mode and play other game/work on an alt.


I also sell the blue/purple versions of the stuff I make on the GTN.

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