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WAY too reliant on Tracer Missile


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Hi, fellow hunters, I know tracer missile is amazing, but I think it's a poisoned gift for us.


On one hand it dumbs down the gameplay, because unlike Pyrotech, our missile completely replaces power shot whereas for pyrotech their missile is an additional ability it doesn't replace an exiting one. You get like only 5 skill in your rotations, compare that to classes like marauder which has like 9 buttons in their normal rotation.


Also of course, in pvp being that reliant on a single skill can potentially become problematic in the future (if/when pvp ever becomes competitive).


But really let's just review how ridiculously important tracer missile is for an arsenal hunter:


-reduces target's armor by 20%


-increases heatseeker missile damage by 25%


-can increase the damage of unload by 25% and finish its cooldown every 6 seconds


-gives you a +10% damage reduction


-vents 8 heat if it lands a crit


-has the best dps of all our abilities except for heatseeker missile (not the best damage per heat, but the best damage per second)



I mean, at this point tracer missile might as well be considered the ultimate talent ability of arsenal with so many bonuses tied to it, forget heatseeker missile lol.


I'll probably get a lot of people disagreeing with me, cause yeah it's sweet to spamm 1 button for the win, but does it make for a good gameplay? To me it doesn't.


Possible solutions could be to give some of those bonuses to other abilities, and also maybe not make tracer missile replace power shot but be just like incendiary missile just a support ability, one that helps setup your rotation not something that it revolves entirely around.

Edited by Demorase
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Not to mention its insanely boring to spam 1 ability 80% of the time. I went pyro in the mid 20s bc I was bored already, haven't looked back since.



Yeah basically that's what I was referring to with "dumbing down gameplay", it really is not an enjoyable rotation, imo.

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Yeah, you either have to be stupid or bored not to spam tracer missile on boss fights. Right now, the only reason to use other powers during a long fight are to manage heat. I'm level 34 and just might switch to pyro or become a healer if it doesn't get fixed to make it challenging and interesting.


The armor reduction effect of tracer reminds me of sunder armor from WoW warrior. It was a power you had to use, but the damage was low.

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