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Will the uselessness of tank PvP stats be addressed?


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So after learning that defense, absorption, and shield do almost nothing in PvP I am eager to see what BW has to say about this. My concern is that fixing this will be neglected since the vast majority of players don't PvP as tanks, BW won't receive the same outrage as it does with other problems that affect everyone (like OPs/Sounds being a bit overpowered). It is upsetting to get better tank PvP gear only to remember that the additional stats practically don't help you at all in PvP and go to complete waste.


I imagine that if critical rating, power, etc. didn't apply to other classes' PvP abilities there would be outrage, so I hope PvP tanks aren't neglected because this is an issue that only affects a small portion of PvPers.

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I can feel your pain, tank goes down really fast usually unless they can heal, i seen mercenaries that are absolutely unkillable by groups of people that dont know what they are doing. The solution to this is to make use of your team. I usually guard a healer and the healer will keep me alive in return. AOE taunt is a great way to keep your team mates alive.
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Just **** and enjoy your cheap tanking medals


That's what I was doing until they made it so health packs don't count towards medals, and now that isn't the case any more. Besides, I would gladly trade stat viability for ease in earning medals in WZs.


In the long run, I hope that PvP is balanced around arena and not hutball, etc. If this is the case, I think it is absolutely necessary to overhaul tanks in PvP, at least stat-wise.

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