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Sentinels ARE NOT bad.


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This means nothing really, all you need to do is get a big group and use your AoE skills.


I have to agree with the shadow thing, I play with my brother who is also a shadow and he can take more hits then I can even though I have more defence + hp and even if i use guided by the force once on low hp he can still last a lot longer then myself which is a bit werid since isnt the shadow suppose to be like the mage? or close too and were suppose to be a dps warrior?


But hey I'm sure things will get sorted soon

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I don't post on the forums much, but I felt the need to explain why consulars seem to take more punishment. Even as a dps spec in light armor.


Their class buff gives 5% stats and 10% damage reduction.


While their dps specs can become even more tanky if equipping a shield generator off hand and use tank stance (provides more armor, shield chance, and a small life steal). At the cost of having lower passive damage and a weaker force technique of course.

Edited by Obinae
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I disagree.


A more difficult to play class IS by definition weaker.




Because two EQUALLY skilled players one in a harder to play class and one in an easier to play class are NOT equal in combat. The easier class will win.


Why? Because the players have EQUAL skill, but one is devoted to executing his skills while the other can have that SAME level of skill applied to more finesse and movement related advantages.


It's just silly; I keep seeing the same thing.


Sents aren't broken IF...


IF you're skilled. (which really means more skilled than your opponent)

IF you're traited watchman (forget Combat)

IF you're using specific companions for PvE (forget that other classes can use any of theirs and do fine)

IF you're geared well (which really means geared BETTER than your opponent)




Can Sentinel do ok? Sure, if you're above and beyond your opposition in one or more of the areas I list above. But that means that at the Base level a Sent is less powerful.


Of course ALL of this discussion hinges on the fact that we are desperately hurt by the stuttering issue and until that is fixed we'll really never know what the Sent can or can't do.


I personally think this is 99% of the issue with Combat as a spec. The stuttering on Blade Storm destroys any chance at being competative.

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I enjoy my companions immensely (reason I started a Sentinel actually, and why I'm sticking with it), and perhaps later levels will improve my current issues...but this class seems entirely too brittle.


Thats exactly the reason im beefing up my endurance to over 18000 hp currently, im easilly the one with the most hp in a wz and surelly from my 40 member guild, hopefully will be at 20000 when i finish my champion gear of battlemaster


Still plenty of pop from strenght and dots to be around 170 -200 k in warzones

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