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Are sorcerer's worth trying?


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Hi! I have a lvl 26 assasin deception spec and I was debating on trying the other ac out b4 i got 2 far.


I am kinda worried bcuz in other mmo's i never really leveled a caster!

I just like the feeling of non stop beasting through mobs!


Just looking for some feedback or advice =) thanks!;)

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It really depends on what you like. Since you love beasting through mobs an assassin probably suits you the best or maybe maurader. I am lvl 50 sorcerer and I can tell you it's been very fun for me to play. The story line is great and I'm a killer in pvp :). There is a much different art to playing a ranged attacker as well. But again it's really up to what suits you best.
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Both Inquisitor classes are fun, but very different. My suggestion would be that if you think you may want to try healing sometime, go Sorcerer. If you think you may want to try tanking sometime, go Assassin.
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Hello Irokthal!


I'm kinda new to swtor, but not new at all to mmorpg games. I have played everything, from pure dps, tank to main healer. And as your fellow player stated above, its all up to what you really like doing /playing. But if you ask me, and wlell you asked us all :-) I would recommend Sorcerer! This class is worth the time! Very cool story line! (Havent done all yet though:-) )


Cant wait to get to higher lvl's to really get the game going! But as I stated above, Sorcerer is worth trying!

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I gave up on my assassin because I hated the whole stealth into combat thing, which just seemed to take too long. Much easier to stand at range and just start hurling lightening.


I did actually have to kill every mob between A and B, though - so there is that. Not that I minded killing things. Khem seemed to enjoy it, too.

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Sorc is fun if you like standing still at a distance and dishing out constant damage.


Assassin is fun if you like running around in circles around the enemies while someone distracts and stabbing them in the back xD


I play both, deleted my madness sorc though until legacy comes out...


But most of the sorcerer is standing still because most moves are channeled, or charged.

Although as you pick certain skills, it'll give 12sec windows and such for when a charged ability can be casted instantly or speeding up the time a channel takes, but I don't see that as still making it very mobile.


So if you want to be in constant motion and mixing lightning and melee, stay with assassin. It's a completly different feel, and when you learn to use both they can be great in PvE or PvP so long as you know how to use them at least to a decent level.


You hear people complaining about both. They probably aren't team players or just aren't too experienced on when to do what.

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having tried a few different classes I am enjoying my sorc the best...not only can I heal but have the ability to run crowd control on mobs and fire for effect from range....the further up I go the less i get killed. still do but not so much....love it even more when I play pure evil....
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Sorc is def a great class but its a range caster. If you feel caster is the way you want to go, go sorc. I personally have a 50 assassin and really enjoy the class.


fyi to everyone even mentioning story :p. Story wouldnt be the kicker since assassin and sorc are both inquisitors with identical stories.

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