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It's past Jan 20th and subs are still strong!!


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I think BW is doing a great job so far handling things and it's showing. This is my honest unbiased opinion of the state-of-game. This is very positive sign in my opinion of the game being able to hold around a million subs. I will be happy if they can do that.




"Light" servers are basically bad and shutting down. There is probably < ~15% of servers that need to be consolidated and shut down IMO that I see.


Considering how "broken" pvp is currently (complete lack of oPvP) through the mid and high levels. Also considering that if OPvP were working, the performance is still very very poor (IMO).


My server is pretty much always "standard" level, and it feels populated after recent patches. No 200+ people per Area or anything like that, but always ~100ish on Fleet Station, and several dozens on every planet at most times. It also appears that BW has adjusted the "view" on the Server Status page, to give a good estimation of players. "heavy" and "Full" appear to only show up during extreme hours. I can get a Warzone ANYTIME day or night on a server that is labeled "standard" usually during primetime. So you will understand that my PoV is coming from a roughly "average" server, the more popular ones would obviously busier.


It is also my opinion that this *should* continue for at least a few months. At which time BioWare will need to deliver *the goods* in the form of


1) functioning OPvP

2) new Warzones - this is clearly a very large chunk of players

3) all things endgame - crafting - character stories - itemization - logistics handling (addons/combat log) - customization - social mega-structures


If that were to happen as easily as we have already seen in Patch 1.1 (and 1.1.1) then we are going to have a clear winner MMO - SW:TOR. This game will be a popular choice for people to play - it will be "comfortable".


My biggest concerns that will erode popularity:


1) social interaction (anti-social society will kill subs once they have finished their story quests)

2) useful content (its hard to predict what they will deliver)

3) ADDON Support in a balanced manner


That's it, I am sold and confident that they will deliver over 90% of requested popular features quickly. As for the rest of "major concerns", well this game is just not "other" MMO's so don't expect it to be one.


I can see my stay shortened significantly if ADDON support isn't allowed in at least a limited way. No ADDON/Customization=SP RPG

Edited by WLpride
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  • 3 weeks later...

I play republic on a standard to heavy server. I'm leveling my second toon. The population was a little lower than the first time around until I finished Act I. There was a serious population drop on planets once I hit Balmorra. I went from 50-70+ players per planet to 35 or less. I'm on Voss now and there were only 25 people on the planet last night during prime time.


The fleet is significantly lower than January. In January, there were always 100-120 people at the fleet. Now it is more like 80-100. Also, in January there were more options on the GTN, especially for crafting missions. You used to always be able to find level 300 and 340 crafting missions at below 10K. Now, those missions only drop below 10K on the weekends or when someone just pops it up there for the default price.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So far I'm still impressed with the Game and how it's shaping but I think that there is a major need for a vastly improved Guild and Social networking ASAP!!!


I am actually surprised at how average the Guild implementation was, I know for the first months I understand but now going into the 3rd month I think it's very important.


Combat Log

Add Ons



These things are needed 1.2, cheers I hope you can deliver!


Subs appear to be dropping at the minimum of 30% becoming disinterested after the initial 2-3 months playtime. IMO.

Edited by WLpride
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is anyone on a "standard" server and seeing very low population?


On one server I play on that's standard it's pretty low, but on the other when it says standard the place is jumping.


I would infer from that observation that "Standard" covers a pretty broad range of populations.

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Still having fun, playing with a friend really makes the difference for me.


I don't think I've ever found an MMO that was tolerable without friends, this one comes the closest to being fun to solo. Friends make every single game better though.



Also: ME3's multi-player is actually good!

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On one server I play on that's standard it's pretty low, but on the other when it says standard the place is jumping.


I would infer from that observation that "Standard" covers a pretty broad range of populations.


light 0-499


standard 500-999


heavy 1000-1499


very heavy 1500-1999


full 2000


Have done a few /who with levels etc on servers and this is how they are.


Thats not many players for a server when you have to account for both sides that you will never really see. IMO a full server should be 5000 but then imagine all the issues that would cause.

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We are getting a ton of new players on my server and the vast majority of them say they waited until the launch chaos died down; it means queues at night and on weekends but rather see that than a dead server.


Can we get an English translation of what you just said. A lot of words but when you put then together they say nothing.

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We are getting a ton of new players on my server and the vast majority of them say they waited until the launch chaos died down; it means queues at night and on weekends but rather see that than a dead server.


14 people in my guild have quit in the past two weeks.


My friends list is down to 3/25....Those 3 barely play anymore.


Many people in general chat are talking about quitting.




So yeah, I really doubt your server is getting 'tons' of new players pal...

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14 people in my guild have quit in the past two weeks.


My friends list is down to 3/25....Those 3 barely play anymore.


Many people in general chat are talking about quitting.




So yeah, I really doubt your server is getting 'tons' of new players pal...


/facepalm nada idea what you're talking about. 1 server DOES NOT = another. They are not the same.

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  • 2 months later...

Well with the recent publicized population numbers, the numbers are slightly higher than what I was expecting. IMO I think it's a wonder we aren't under 1 million already, but I guess a simplistic game just doesn't have that many ways to mess up.


Patch 1.2 was good, but a little underwhelming considering the hype. We missed the Rated Warzone stuff and the Crafting systems still obviously aren't completely fleshed out. Not to mention the HUGE F'UP regarding the GTN, rendering it virtually useless for almost 2 weeks! The economy will not recover quickly I fear.


Secondly, Server handling is out-of-control at this time. We should have seen action MONTHS ago regarding pruning of the smallest servers. Missing this opportunity to keep the game stiched together until more feature and patch can be released is proving DISASTAROUS!!! With players only option to 'reroll' on a new server is ridiculous considering the 'targetted audience' of SW:TOR - people on average just don't want to spend a lot of time for a game that isn't proving to be all that fun at end-game.


The solution for BW to virtually remove Ilum's attempt at oPvP is surprising, considering that opening day sported nearly a 50/50 ration of PvP to PvE servers. That means there is near 1/2 million players ready and waiting to play fun PvP - and I don't mean grinding Warzones 1 or 2 times daily. With Ilum basically out of the picture, GW2 nearly here, SW:TOR has lost it's chance to become a staying PvP game. It had potential, the action and ability combat experience is decent providing you get a good framerate and no other bugs. Ilum looked to be 'next-gen' PvP, but it amazingly is a ultra-lame duck.


The surprising light in the end of the tunnel is the Live Event that occurred. I found it pitiful honestly in content and fun, but it's success I think, goes to show that the audience that is still playing here is 99%SW fanboy who will love anything even remotely exciting. Good news I guess for the game, it looks like the staying power should hold above the 1 million mark, for now. Hopefully, most of the features that are badly needed and expected will be here before things do indeed fall well below the 1 million mark. Whether it will start to grow again once the seeds are better planted and prepared only time will tell.



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What is up with all the necroing of threads today?!? :rak_02:


I plan to keep reviewing the game's 1st year cycle through my thread... Just feeling a bit like reprimanding BW at the ongoing mistakes ;-

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Hello everyone,


This thread is quite old. In order to keep the forums tidy and conversations in one place please use this thread to discuss the topic of subscriptions, we will be closing this current thread. Thank You!

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