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Answer Spamming?


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Has anyone tried spamming spacebar and 1?

Would I get into any trouble?


If you truly do not care about the story that we are given, and plan to play SWTOR as a generic MMO, then that is fully feasible, with one slight hitch:

Some conversation options give Light Side or Dark Side points.


While having a specific alignment, or staying neutral is not too important for gameplay, it does change what gear you can or cannot equip.

This might be especially important with relics, as there are currently very little relics that do not require Light/Dark Side II, or more.


That said, I do hope you find a way enjoy the game however pleases you most. :)

I am a sucker for the conversations, and would urge you to at least see if you enjoy those partaining to your class story, but that's just my suggestion. :p


Best of luck!

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