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In game exploiting is at epidemic levels.


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Have put numerous tickets on afk botting treasure chest stealers and nothing has been done in weeks. There are the level 11 guys you see running around on level 45 plus planets. If bioware would just put one live person, in which they have a tab for it but you cant use it, per sever to ban these credit farmers they will cut credit farming in the game by light years. Instead they refuse to do anything to these guys. One guy has been on the same chest for 3 weeks getting an average of 3k per 8 minutes and nothing done about it. This game is already on the downhill slide fast and their support is a joke. What else can you do but keep getting out done by a computer driven pc? BW is doing nothing and is even turning a blind eye to it.
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I see it all the time on Illum and the afkers in war zones are really getting annoying. First get the game working as intended I reckon and then start whacking people with the ban hammer. Let's just hope the economy will recover afterwards.
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The botting and the AFK issues I totally agree with. The chest issue, well frankly so what ?

If some guy (or woman) are so sad they want to waste their subscription time sitting next to a chest just so they can get it.... LET THEM ! Its kinda pathetic, and if they want to spend their game time doing that well its their choice !


Personally I think they'd get more enjoyment playing the game but hey, its hardly an exploit. The chests are there to be collected, even if there are better things to do



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The botting and the AFK issues I totally agree with. The chest issue, well frankly so what ?

If some guy (or woman) are so sad they want to waste their subscription time sitting next to a chest just so they can get it.... LET THEM ! Its kinda pathetic, and if they want to spend their game time doing that well its their choice !


Personally I think they'd get more enjoyment playing the game but hey, its hardly an exploit. The chests are there to be collected, even if there are better things to do




Mainly because chests on the larger planets can give up to 4k of credits. These guys are nothing but credit farmers that spam in the game constantly. So you would rather have to buy your credits from these guys because you cant stand there and do it legally then?

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The botting and the AFK issues I totally agree with. The chest issue, well frankly so what ?

If some guy (or woman) are so sad they want to waste their subscription time sitting next to a chest just so they can get it.... LET THEM ! Its kinda pathetic, and if they want to spend their game time doing that well its their choice !


Personally I think they'd get more enjoyment playing the game but hey, its hardly an exploit. The chests are there to be collected, even if there are better things to do




Agreed, let them use their sub time however they wish.

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Have put numerous tickets on afk botting treasure chest stealers and nothing has been done in weeks. There are the level 11 guys you see running around on level 45 plus planets. If bioware would just put one live person, in which they have a tab for it but you cant use it, per sever to ban these credit farmers they will cut credit farming in the game by light years. Instead they refuse to do anything to these guys. One guy has been on the same chest for 3 weeks getting an average of 3k per 8 minutes and nothing done about it. This game is already on the downhill slide fast and their support is a joke. What else can you do but keep getting out done by a computer driven pc? BW is doing nothing and is even turning a blind eye to it.


It is a bit odd isn't it? I mean it really seems like Bioware is trying to sink their own game with blatant intentions. If you have read the forums and seen all the issues you would or should know this.


Then again, I think they have gotten so far behind the curve, they are slowly burning out. This is what happens Bioware when customer service stinks, devs do not stay on top of the most significant glitches (adding content instead of correcting glitches is fail btw). Please, show us the Bioware we came to know and love :D


Furthermore, some issues effective specific classes like my sent and commando have been brought up for months going back to beta phases and nothing was done. It makes no sense.

Edited by clocknane
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Mainly because chests on the larger planets can give up to 4k of credits. These guys are nothing but credit farmers that spam in the game constantly. So you would rather have to buy your credits from these guys because you cant stand there and do it legally then?


I can only speak for my server but I haven't seen a single credit seller in chat yet (thankfully) I have over a million credits and I didnt buy a single one of them, futher more I didnt sit next to some chext every day to get them.


Im not justifying what that person is doing, but they are not exploiting the game either. Chests are there to be collected if thats all they want to do... let them get on with it.

I will add that IF they are using a bot to do this farming then yes thats exploiting and hell yes they should be banned !



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Why not exploit? What's the downside? Bioware might give you a few days off at worst. You get to keep your credits, you get to keep your valor, because it's "too hard" for Bioware to punish individuals. Apparently there are a lot of things that are too hard for Bioware, such as..I dunno custom UI.
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Why not exploit? What's the downside? Bioware might give you a few days off at worst. You get to keep your credits, you get to keep your valor, because it's "too hard" for Bioware to punish individuals. Apparently there are a lot of things that are too hard for Bioware, such as..I dunno custom UI.


Guess you dont keep up with the news but then, then you wouldnt be able to troll, or is that 'too hard' for you?

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