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I'm surprised about the system of changes


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So, with the changes of the next patch out there, I'm wondering about something (and I don't want to talk about changes made to Operatives/Scoundrels specifically, promise!).


After all, the game is able to let abilities react differently depending on what class of target (weak, normal, strong, elite, champion, player) it is used against. As I understand, all classes have some kind of ability that only works on stunned/mezzed mobs. It deals damage to weak and normal targets, less damage to strong targets and does not work at all on anything above.

Which leads me to the question - why change abilities over the board due to PvP, instead of just have them behave differently when used against players? For instance, in case of the infamous Jarring Strike/KO it might read something along "Your Hidden Strike knocks down enemies for 3 seconds (1,5 seconds on enemy players)". While having a load of abilities with different behaviour might complicate matters a little, most of it would just be damage values anyway (which doesn't alter actual gameplay). So all abilites do the same THING in both PvE and PvP, only if some ability turns out to do too bad or well in either part, that part is all that needs changing. It might actually REDUCE the needed work on future changes, because you only need to test it on one field.


"Did it exactly do what we were aiming for?"

"Yes, but the implications for PvE/PvP are unclear. We might need to offset that with additional changes, possibly creating new imbalances along the way. Further testing and planning needed."




"Did it exactly do what we were aiming for?"


"Roll it out then."


Anyway, just ran through my head. Take it as you will.

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They wouldn't work different. Just deal less damage, or in the example, stun for a shorter duration. It's still damage, it's still a stun. Hell, for all sub-50s this is already in effect, their abilities hit for completely different numbers when in warzones compared to normal leveling. So it's not that much of a stretch.
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Agreed. Furthermore, stop with sweeping changes until players are allowed to copy their characters to the PTS ...


... and don't announce changes 4 days before you're going to implement it, "it was on the PTS" isn't an excuse in that scenario.


I'm cringing for when my class is up to bat.

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