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Thana Vesh - BioWare, would you kindly...


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Find more ways to somehow, for reasons that don't even have to make sense, include Thana Vesh in the game?


And yes, I know there's a thread already dedicated to this topic but I was determined to create my own prior to seeing that one. Although, honestly, can there really be too much Thana Vesh? Short answer: nay.


Here're a few ideas I have to get more Thana Vesh in the game:


1. Star Wars: The Old Republic - Wrath of Thana Vesh expansion pack.


2. I <3 Thana Vesh in-game t-shirts


3. Thana Vesh randomly leaps into view and steals your quest kills, then trips over her own feet as she attempts to leave and you have to help her up as she calls you a name and vanishes again... <sigh> that lovable clutz.




P.S. Thanks, BioWare for making this awesome game.

Edited by Opix
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