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Bioware are we going to get to have great communitys server forums for each server ?


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checking on status of this i Know their boatload of servers by end of headstart will all be full to heavey, to very heavy for loads by offical launch on dec 20 and be bring more up.



But this feature while it would take time and money due to so many servers be alot work, would allow players to talk to each other on forums, if rp=pvp server have roleplay events sets up mass pvp set up between guilds on certain dates, main server crafters to make thread of what they can make, guild list for entire server where leaders can come in and post, do marketing for their guild what their about etc and what classes looking for etc, and little ful in talking to each other from both factions.



So can we get maybe or bioware confirmation if their adding this Most MMOs have this even much smaller ones server offical forums let alone other big boy that shall not be named, so can someone from Bioware please post if this coming maybe by best date guess?


I also realize this is Headstart and for all Know you all rolling it out for offical launch or near when get names of more server will be adding or can just put it up now, add servers to official server forums as you have to bring them up.




and english is 6 language, so again forgive writeing mistakes please.

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If someone from Bioware can let us, know, I know may be jumping gun but Bioware always been nothing but class, made some best roleplaying and now MMO in gameing history, cant stand enough offical launch isnt till dec 20 we on 2nd day with 5 days to go till offical already seeing alot euro and us servers full or heavy loads, so before head start is done, expect more servers opening let alone 1st weeks of launch.


Just makes forming guilds, recuirting alot easier for each server have 100+ servers or more per us and euro that number by 1st weeks of offical launch could go way higher haveing 1 guild form for all servers to post recuirting is just crazy, plus, can introduce each other and guild leaders on server forms,roleplay, max crafters can post, can auction stuff for in game etc just way , way ,way easier Bioware please, if are doing it can confirm, also you could place servers forums up, like rift did Know much smaller game and as you add servers simply sometime in that day or next add those new server forums.



sorry for my bad english.



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Still checking to see if and when you try to get this in, do realize between now and offical launch following weeks probally be bringing up tons of new servers as needed but they could just add new server offical forums as they open them.


Just would make new server for both factions orgazation alot better.







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Please guys let them know in case they werent going to do, this is best for short term life and long time life of KOTR MMO Communities, makes casuals,roleplayers,pvpers, crafters,raiders,guilds,friends have voice and place to post about the guilds of the servers example can be sticked for dark and light side, if their pvp, roleplaying, casual ,family, raiders, hardcore players etc age groups of guilds please let them know we want this feature for server Master Crafter List again sticked per server for dark and light so those need their services know how to contact them to whom.




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Still waiting on offical word of this from Bioware for launch will we have server forums, do realize at launch 1st week they be adding massive amount of new servers so maybe the wanna wait, but that hurts the players us, and server commiunties from haveing tool to not spam in game and post for your server only as stated,


Take rift for example, they wont even at launch , ever have 10 percent subs swtor will have at launch that was at their peak.


However rift added server forums day 1, as their server for crushed would bring up new and have forums mod developer add new server forums bioware could do this , would help all guilds out their and future guilds, crafterss and players feel like not just in game they have home but on their own server forums give them sense of home communtity where they can talk to rest of their server post instead of spamming guild recuirting in global guilds could have sticky on server forums who leader is officer if wanna contactis adult mature guild, roleplay, pvp, casual, raid guild, hardcore guild, group friends etc, website link and vent their forums etc links.



Bioware would like to get some feedback from this and others Your AA+ Company and as stated we love you guys, and 2 founders both doctors you guys made this fanstic company from you dungeons and dragons days pen and paper and your vision.


BG,BG2.Nwn and expansions and mods, Dragon Age 1 and 2,Mass Effects,Ice Wind Dale which was black isle which believe was sub company or yours and now your greatest masterpiece of 6 years of hard work and vison and 240 millon plus dollars to make.


Can we get comment from Developers this 1 extra touch of target of target which as stated many times would take JR developer less then 1 day 2 days if wanna make sure it purfect, then 2 days to QA it, why it was not in beta let alone realese?


Guilds Banks same thing these are standards just like target of target for mmos now, also shared account banks entire account gets so many bank slots on bottom they can log in anyone on account good or evil and access it makes it easier then have to mail items to alts, stuff.


Finally Offcial Launch Day server forums, this is must for AA title, so guild can recuirt on their own forums , place guild sticky on top of all empire guilds, and rebel guilds and who leaders are and officers so players can contact them what their about casual or hardcore, roleplay , pvp, raiding or all above, if they have offical website,vent guild forums etc in the sticky.


then 2nd sticky for both sides for all Master crafters to place their names if they want to can get work and develop community.



then last but now least server forums they can be special event 1 small or big guilds holds like pug raid for world boss sign up, or some type event they wanna let server community know their hosting it and all are invited like mass pvp at certain place saying were going to invade here on this day etc.


Only reason can think dont have server forums up yet, is waiting for offical launch and all severs going to have to bring up, to finalize the list, but this is not needed.


Rift had server forums up at launch, as they kept adding servers they would have 1 their forums developers add new servers to the list.


WE also need suggestion forum, those that played beta even we cant read minds, some stuff we heard your working on, but be nice to make list and let you all say, hay we forgot that and it would not take long to code.


Moveable UI, can unclock and move bars and all to where you want , can move all to where to want ala LOTR or eq 2, Pretty syre Bioware doesnt want custom mods for uis, we need to be to resize the ui to for those of us gameing with 6k custom gameing desktops we built for mmos every 9 monthes, and 60 inch leds to game on.


so can get some reply here if feel strongly these ideas need to be in, know alot plans to adds down the line more races,clases, pvp, flashpoints, heroics, planets, maybe level cap, real full space combat not mini game as it now like eve or something, but these come down line in expansions or big patches when they get basics in.


AA sliders taken out of beta in and working and Ani sliders as well, in and working, distance aka clippling plane in and working not all of us have crap pcs, or even medium.


thanks you again if we can get some replys, also if developer can confirm about server offical forums altast alot other stuff think your working on?

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