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PVP healing spec without Kolto missile


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hey folks,


I have tried healing in warzones and found that kolto missile is awfull to use, heals from it are barely higher then rapid shots and takes long to cast depsite it is instant. It takes 2-3 secs due animation and travelling time. Healing melee is annoying cause they can charge from targeted zone and blowing SGS for buff and miss it makes me mad. So i decided to give up it completly and free 5 talents points to improve other healing abilities.


Something like this



Some talents may be switched like system calibrations or protective field to take missing ones from BG tree. Anyone tried something allong this lines?

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havnt really noticed any issues with kolto missile to be honest. the 10% damage reduction is great with SGC, its ability to be used while moving as a heal is nice.


The animation delay is annoying, just like any AOE when your at extreme range, but i find it to be more useful then not.

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The kolto bomb is a must to have, it´s a golden ability when there´s a group fight, for me in full champion gear it heals for about 1500 and crits up to 2k+ and when activated with supercharged gas shields 3 targets and leaves a buff on them so i can heal a little bit more.


Sacrificing a good ability by bumbing up your survivability wich isnt really needed since your in heavy armor and have loads of hp.

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Kolto missile is invaluble for healing yourself and others on the run, it does ok healing on a pretty short cooldown. You should practice hitting fast KM's at your own feet, it's a nice and simple way to land a few 2k heals while moving out of LoS and will help keeping you alive under pressure. It also allows you to so some minor healing while on the run, topping people off before you enter combat.



On a side note it would be really nice to have mouseover macros for Kolto Missile, one click missiles would be awesome and make the missiles even better. Or if they would let you possition the aoe while casting a different spell, as one could with mage aoe in WoW, that would also make KM much stronger and more user friendly.

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kolto missile is such a useful tool in pvp. its another instant heal you can use in a bind that hits 3 people and costs a minimal amount of heat. with your csc charges, it can reduce inc damage by those hit by 10% and apply a healing buff - neither are things you can really ignore.
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Kolto Missle is VERY important to be a productive healer in Pvp, If you cannot see why then you have problems.



i thought it double all healing for like 6 seconds, i dont use it but that is how it was described to me

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