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Reason's For Cancelling Sub


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First of there are many thing's in this game I found amazing. The engaging story lines and questing system. The companions. Having your own ship. I found the class's that I have played very fun. I thoroughly love being able to have "hybrid" specs and making a class play the way you enjoy. Legacy system sounds like it will be great as well. I'm sure there are many things that could potently make this good game a great game.


However, there a few thing's that I just cant get past, and for me, ruined my experience.


First off (and mostly) the PvP. Warzone fight's feels like the person with the most suns off CD and the more resolve wins. I know a lot of people disagree with me and just yell "resolve" as a response. It can become very frustrating when you spend a whole fight stunned. The lack of variety and competition / stats is also terrible. For me PvP is the end game. And only 3 warzone's is terribly low. What is there where only 3 flashpoints? I know they are going to introduce stat tracking, but they said they will not have competition or arena type play. I do love that healing in the game is not overpowered, and I do play a healer.


Performance. I know a lot of things will be tweaked, improved and fixed. I'm finding it hard to get past some of intended and unintended performance issues. By intended i mean the vast amount of loading point's. numerous post's have been made about the time and loading required to change planet's, in out of your ship ect. When the planet's and objects are so vast loading can take a long time on all but the highest end machine's, when getting around doing daily's farming helping others or whatever it is your doing, it can be very frustrating.


I'm not playing on the highest end machine, it is what I would call "average". (for a gaming rig, i is well past minimum requirement's). And for me the loading screen's are particularly long. I have terrible FPS issues at time. Getting stuck on terrain all over the place can get very frustrating. The list can go on. The game on a whole just isn't polished.


While I know its early and problem's will be fixed. I would have hoped they would have had there whole team ready to work on performance and bug fixes rather then new content.


To summarize I find this game 80% amazing but the 20% I don't like is a game breaker for me. Mainly due to the PvP. And while I didn't want to play wow again, as I find it has more problem's than SWTOR. It is more polished and has more variety and competition when it comes to PvP. And may have to serve as a filler until GW2.


Is there any one else that fell in love with game for the the first month but was eventually let down? What has caused you to take your subscription fee's else where? And if so what will you be playing?

Edited by bradscarfe
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To summarize I find this game 80% amazing but the 20% I don't like is a game breaker for me. Mainly due to the PvP. And while I didn't want to play wow again, as I find it has more problem's than SWTOR. It is more polished and has more variety and competition when it comes to PvP. And may have to serve as a filler until GW2.


So your quitting because a new game doesn't have 7 years of WoW polish and content and because there aren't enough lvl 50's to pvp due to the fact that the game JUST came out?


Yep another high expectations, late WoW comer who expected to walk into a fully populated and polished community.



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So your quitting because a new game doesn't have 7 years of WoW polish and content and because there aren't enough lvl 50's to pvp due to the fact that the game JUST came out?


Yep another high expectations, late WoW comer who expected to walk into a fully populated and polished community.





Amen bro...

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So your quitting because a new game doesn't have 7 years of WoW polish and content and because there aren't enough lvl 50's to pvp due to the fact that the game JUST came out?


Yep another high expectations, late WoW comer who expected to walk into a fully populated and polished community.




No. I said nothing about population. There are only 3 warzones atm is my point. And the polish is not the reason I am leaving. If the PvP was better I would be fine waiting for the game to be polished. And do you really need to be so rude?

Edited by bradscarfe
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So your quitting because a new game doesn't have 7 years of WoW polish and content and because there aren't enough lvl 50's to pvp due to the fact that the game JUST came out?





The problems with SWTOR PvP can be population bases (either factional or sizw of player pool based), but that's not what he's complaining about, and he's right. SWTOR PvP needs a LOT of work to get it up to a decent standard.


Not talking WAR levels of balance or RvR goodness, but is should be much closer than it is, it seems like they took no CC lessons from WAR at all.

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Well I just decided I no longer wish to renew due to the imbalance of Repub and the Empire was really getting to me.


Then Illum happened and i do not believe Empire players will face any consequences,they already farmed the Republic faction enougth and then this,it just drove a stake into the heart to be honest.


And i play the OP Scoundrel so they have decided to swing hard on us without even letting the 50's bracket live alittle,and im a mature reasonable person and what i have observed in the PvP WZ's is nothing what all the posts about my class claim and Bioware is going with them apparently.


What i did see was Sorc's doing chain stuns with Inquisitors and armys of both not many op's mowing down other players at will,look at who has the most damage and kills it wasnt the OP/Scoundrel class.


I really enjoyed this game forawhile,i did,i loved some of zones alot like Nar Shadda and was hoping more content would be added for some later,but now im just let down too much and feel attacked and singled out and i knew it was gonna be an uphill climb rolling Repub,but this is beyond any more of my time, i tried i really did.

Edited by Sathid
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Because there are better MMO's to play. If BW wasn't stupid they wouldn't have put out an unfinshed game and expect people to pay for it. Plus most of the community are d*icks.


Try not being one yourself, you may find they treat you better. :eek:

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this is going to sound harsh, but it's the truth...


tbh, i don't care... i don't know you, never met you, you're probably not even on my server...


the people who do care about this post will be gone when their posting privileges have been removed in a day or 2...


hope you feel better now that you made this thread... :o

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LOL the OP never mentioned WoW. I think the Biodrones have bigger boners for WoW than they will admit. They seem to like pulling it into any conversation that isnt about how perfect this game is.


I think you have a point, the people I see derailing threads with referencing WoW the fastest are the people defending the game visciously.


From a psycological viewpoint, it's really interesting to see the amount of projection going on. "It's everyone else wanting WoW, not me!" as they seem want to do.

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this is going to sound harsh, but it's the truth...


tbh, i don't care... i don't know you, never met you, you're probably not even on my server...


the people who do care about this post will be gone when their posting privileges have been removed in a day or 2...


hope you feel better now that you made this thread... :o


I could say same about this reply...

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I don't care if people care, I never wanted people to "care" i just wanted other's opinion and to find the reason's for people to stop playing. If you don't "care" why read the post or leave a reply. One person replied about how rude this community is. Numerous replies to this post, yours included proves his point.
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I dont get it yes there are only 3 WZ's atm but correct me if i am mistaken but i am sure they said they were bringing another out they had the 3 to start, then after a month they tried to sort ilum (granted that was an epic failure but i hear its sorted now?) and then with the next major content patch we are getting at least 1 new WZ. If you actually like 80% of the game and they are your only reasons for leaving then it seems like maybe you did not look into this very well or are being a bit impatient. If its the second then you should not be playing an MMO at launch really. Just my opinion take from it what you will.
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On a psychological level I sort of understand why people post this. It fills a need to vent their experiences with the game. Usually when someone has a negative experience it seems more vivid and intense than when they had a positive one. So when your ninjad looted thats a big deal but when someone is kind and gracious to pass a piece of gear to you its a less intense experience. Thusly they come and post here in indignation (some it absolutely legitemate) expecting their concerns are so *********** valid that EVERYONE just has to know.


Having said all that I still do think its funny that people leaving actually took the time out to post this. Even if they fixed it would you resub and come back? historically thats a big no.

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I dont get it yes there are only 3 WZ's atm but correct me if i am mistaken but i am sure they said they were bringing another out they had the 3 to start, then after a month they tried to sort ilum (granted that was an epic failure but i hear its sorted now?) and then with the next major content patch we are getting at least 1 new WZ. If you actually like 80% of the game and they are your only reasons for leaving then it seems like maybe you did not look into this very well or are being a bit impatient. If its the second then you should not be playing an MMO at launch really. Just my opinion take from it what you will.


It was more about the actual game play of PvP, it just feels all about who can stun the most.

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So your quitting because a new game doesn't have 7 years of WoW polish and content and because there aren't enough lvl 50's to pvp due to the fact that the game JUST came out?


Yep another high expectations, late WoW comer who expected to walk into a fully populated and polished community.




you say "high expectations" as if its a bad thing.


Why did you buy SWTOR, because you thought it would be a pile of crap? Glad its met your expectations.

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So your quitting because a new game doesn't have 7 years of WoW polish and content and because there aren't enough lvl 50's to pvp due to the fact that the game JUST came out?


Yep another high expectations, late WoW comer who expected to walk into a fully populated and polished community.




its not about being 100 % polished ...


cant understand tese fluffy comment do people realy have such low standards tese days ..


yes .. is it weird i expect a game to have all the main features that an mmorpg requires to have at launch or AT LEAST to make it better or AT LEAST on par with its predecesors , games that are 8 - 10 years older , and that they have learned what features and specialy the most anoying bugs that already were constatated in beta are resolved and that they can be inovative and introduce enw exciting thing and not just hype it up so much and practicly lie about things only to get their game sold and then as consumer getting disapointed ... again by buying , playing it ..


realy people have to have higher standard , its allot of money dunno if you can spend 60 bucks and then 15 bucks a month for something thats not finished , lacking , totaly bugged out or juts plain broke in a game , but realy .. yes i expect better from a billion dollar company ....


now now i'm not impatient and il wait and see whats bringing eventualy but ..


untill then they will not see a dollar out of me anymore already payed to much atm ..


hope it wont go down the drain ... again .....

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