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The Datacron/Bodytype issues?


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Are these intended aspects of the game (Like Datacrons that require 2+ players), or are these glitches? I managed to luck out on Alderaan as a small guy came around and was willing to help me. . .But on Corellia, it's a level 50 area and I don't see many folks around. And to make matters worse, all the graphics aren't loaded. Everything in the datacron area is invisible.


So I guess what I'm asking, is should I do the incredibally cumbersome mission as is, or if I wait does Bioware plan on fixing these?


Seems absurd that they're preventing you access to areas based on the physical appearance of your character (Especially when they made no point of mentioning that aspect on the creation scree!). I'm waiting to be denied access because I have a character with blue eyes. :p

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