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ops unitframes/buffs


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The buffs panel on ops unitframes is useless in its current state. Not only because they like 4x4px and you can't see anything on them, but because it shows all buffs on a player. There's no need to display stims or other 1hr+ buffs, they only overload the ui and make it hard to track the things that actually matter -- debuffs on a player or your own buffs (like stacks of hots, shields etc).


So my suggestions about the ops frames:

  • hide unnecessary buffs
  • make icons bigger (maybe using the space in healthbar -- they usually high and wide enough to carry 2-3 buff icons)
  • make debuffs easier to spot. and also indicate in some way either the type of debuff or that you can purge it (for quicker response). maybe outline in some color or something similar.
  • also, time text on icons would be nice too, because current implementation is not very obvious.


Now about buffs/procs on your own unitframe:

  • hide unnecessary buffs (again, like stims or 1hr party buffs) so it would be easier to track your procs/adrenals/relics etc. same applies on target's debuffs -- either hide other players' debuffs, show them separately or make your own debuffs larger or highlighted in some way for more easier tracking.
  • or ignore the above and make procs esier to spot via power auras-like visual effects, because with the current design its ridiculously hard to track stacks of upper hand (or any other proc) jumping from one line of buffs to another


And a one quick suggestion about health numbers on own/target unitframes. The problem is that the font is really small and numbers are too big on ops bosses, so it takes up to 40% of healthbar and without rounding the numbers they obstruct large part of healthbar (for example hard to see when boss is at 10%) and cant be easily read either. E.g. 1335891/1809516 -- I'd rather have 1.3kk/1.8kk or 1336k/1810k, also a percent indication would be nice too.



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