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Am i only one feeling this game is more gearbased than skill?


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Nope, it's all about player. I took on a lvl 50 empire when I was lvl 32. I died but I got him down to 5% of his health. I haven't lost 1v1 fight against lvl 50 empire when I got to lvl 50 as smuggler and I didn't have pvp gear on. After I got a few champion pieces I can take on 2v1 against empire's lvl 50. The only lvl 50 I cannot beat is a jedi consular, my friend Timmay, he is top republic pvp player for my server. Thank god, most of the time in huttball it's against empire and it's not republic vs republic (pre patch, post patch has no more pvp).


Because there are all time stats to track who the top Republic PVP player is on the server and whether that is in x wz or open world...

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If you were mildly skilled, you would be well geared by now. They compliment each other.


Because random drops of gear from token farming for x hours after racing to 50 for 6+ hours a day = skill

Time does not always = skill....


BioWare you created brackets for 1-49 and then 50 brackets.


Now create a new thing and make people go in for a Set Standard Build for 50 in WZ. Take all classes define a standard..not all decked in green and not all purple BM *champion gear. Instead a defined itemization. Make that what all class zones in as. Then you will define who is skill and who is gear based because of time spent.


IMO none of this matters without global in game leaderboards that are extremely detailed, searchable, and have many categories. Right now its just look he has BM he is either great or he has a lot of free time.

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And anyway, this is an mmo, GEAR will always be a priority else... no one would pvp. MMO is always give and take, nobody does things simply for the "fun" of it. they always need gain, hence why the mmorpg community is so exploitative and selfish. If gear didnt give your some credentials then people wouldn't do it.


This is obviously false and I hate when people push this logic. Remove the incentive structure and you will see people pursue whatever they genuinely enjoy. If you were arguing that the incentives keep people playing the game longer or provide extra motivation to concentrate people into certain activities, I would agree with you, but saying that everyone pursues the next stat boost mindlessly is one of the worst things to model a game after.


My experience has been that before they added the honor system to world of warcraft, people did world pvp and they did it for reasons relatively intrinsic to the activity. When the honor system came out, more people did come out to PvP, but the motivation was to generate rank (some people for titles, some for gear).


Similar things can be seen quite obviously in team fortress 2. People were still playing and enjoying the game before the hats, but once the hats came... well... a lot of people did come back to the game... and started farming hats. And I'm of the opinion that this distracted from actually enjoying the game.


It's clearly a complicated issue... but don't completely discount that there are those of us that just genuinely enjoy pvp.

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basicly in a mmo the skill is based on decent reaction time/clever usage of cooldowns/countermeasures against enemy cooldowns/positioning.....


to me all those except the last are pretty much negated by gear in this game it seems...


yes people may think wow pvp sucks!, maybe it does, but still you could own ppl, while beeing heavily undergeared..


i ve played all wow classes at max lvl and yes , the skillcap of those chars are on a diffrent lvl (for me a warrior/dk were far far easier to play than a mage for example)


for example you could ve frost novaed a rogues vanish...

or as rogue vanished the deepfreeze of a mage..


or outjumped the fear of a priest...etc..etc...



i m missing those kind of skill related stuff in this game...

all i see is skill spamming while beeing geared and pwning green geared boys...


also INTERRUPT mechanics to me seems pretty much useless against healer...

heal 1, interuppt np, just use heal 2...


of course the cast animation delay "bug" or feature has a lot to do with this.. but still, the skills in this game are imo designed for spamming, rather than clever usage...


what d you guys think?


Welcome to MMO's, if you want skill over equipment based games try an FPS.

Edited by DimeStax
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This is obviously false (edit).


Agreed. The only reason that people truly engage in gear centric behaviors is because the dev team just chooses it that way because they are lazy when it comes to core character build. The skill trees in SWTOR are very limited and thus you will not have a lot of variance between characters and thus you can use gear to make you different. This is what we mean we talk of skills. Choice of character builds and operator skill.


Compared to the skill tree in ShadowBane (http://www.shadowbaneemulator.com/page.php?d=2&n=charactercreation) , the skills in SWTOR are like comparing chess to tic/tac/toe .


Although I do hate on the PVP, I do enjoy SWTOR thus far. The single player portions ... PVE is pretty good. The companion system is awesome for crafting, although, they could have went a bit more in depth on the crafting (see Fallen Earth) .

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or ShadowBane

or Eve

or NeoCron

or UO

or DarkFall

....or Face of Mankind of you have a masochistic streak. If you know how to play that game, you can be just as effective as any other character within an hour of creating your first character. Unfortunately, that game has loads of other problems.


Also, the OP is deluded. WoW is one of the most gear-based games I can think of.

Edited by belialle
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