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Healing in PVP Needs Attention


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interrupts interrupts interrupts. even guarded, a good team of interrupters is enough to take a healer down. you have to interrupt the big heals. i'll give you a hint on how to kill a trooper combat medic.


let him cast the first advanced med probe, it's on a 7.5-9s cd

interrupt medical probe. this is our biggest hitting heal. most interrupts prevent casting the spell for 6 seconds.

adv med probe will still be on cd, so we only have our small instant cast heals.

wail away.

when you see the next adv med probe cast, let it go.

it will be on cd again, but only heal for a small amount.

we'll switch back to our big spam heal, med probe

use a knockback or cc when you see it, as it interrupts casting and again prevents us from using it for a short time.


that's it. we can't cast any of our big heals we'll die easy. and we have the highest damage mitigation of any healing class. we trade mobility for it, but don't expect to kill a trooper/merc healer that has better gear.


tldr; if they nerf healing, there will be no more healers.

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