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Snipers in PvP?


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I have no issues with my Sniper in PvP. I can be at the top of the damage charts quite frequently. Although the cover mechanic does make it difficult sometimes, it really doesn't seem to help in PvP (only hinder).


And fyi, I totally agree with the quote below.



-Make cover simply refuse to work; I cannot even tell you how many times I've lost a fight that should have been an easy win because the game simply refused to let me crouch. Even when it does finally let me crouch, trying to activate instant cast cover requiring abilities like entrench and ballistic shield often have lag times in excess of 1-2 seconds (sometimes more!).

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If your sole interest is PvP...I would not recommend sniper.


If you want a rounded experience in PvE and PvP and you are not fanatical about your PvP performance. Then sniper could be fun for you.



All the of snipers best attacks are dependent upon being in cover and long cast times. They also depend on range and line of sight. You go into PvP with a handicap like no other class.


Believe me the overall performance of ambush is not commensurate with the extended cast time.

Other issue is as you are stationary your opponent can simply step behind a wall or run away.


You are support in the truest sense as you will find your greatest success picking off otherwise engaged enemies who are low on health.


It's challenging, I like my classes underpowered and difficult to be honest, I feel better if I do well.


You will hear lots of things, but many classes (if not all) have better tools for PvP than a sniper.

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Wondering if anyone has played a Sniper in PvP, and if so, what are your thoughts about relative strengths/weaknesses versus other classes?


I really enjoy the concept of killing things from a distance, but having done some fair amount of PvP on my other character, I noticed that it is very rare to see Snipers in PvP. I'm guessing part of the reason for that is most (Imperial) players are gravitating toward the FotM classes, such as Operative and Sorcerer. I want to stay away from that because it's only a matter of time before some nerfing comes their way, and I'd rather play a style I enjoy over something that is more powerful.


Some objective input on Snipers in PvP from players who have some experience playing them would be appreciated.


snipers are pretty devastating in pvp. we have such a long range that 90% of players don't even noticed we are attacking them untill their HP suddenly drops to 10% hp in 5 seconds


its great fun :)

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snipers are pretty devastating in pvp. we have such a long range that 90% of players don't even noticed we are attacking them untill their HP suddenly drops to 10% hp in 5 seconds


its great fun :)


5 extra yards on a couple of abilities is not "such a long range" considering all the other ranged classes are 30m and we can go up to a 'woo' 35 meters on a couple of abilities but not on 'all' our abilities so all we might get is an ambush/snipe off but we can't use any of our probes or grenades.

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fun getting 3 shotted with 13k hp... 7k 3k 3k by an operative... seriously it's a joke... even if i use Escape and then stun the target, i will just to watch him use escape and finish me off anyway... is there even any point me gearing this character up or will i manage to get to 4 shot then? Edited by iRaffer
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I've been playing a sniper at level 50 for almost a month now, all I've basically done is PVP.


We do have alot of disadvantages compared to other classes. Some of the main disadvantages I see are because of Huttball. Our only immune to snares etc. only works if we're in cover "Entreched" which I feel theres a bug because I've been taken out of cover while Entrech was active which I don't believe it's meant tobe. Escape cool down is a 2 min cooldown. Use of cover pulse doesn't always work and actually seems to work backwords and we get knocked back. Disrupt I'm not sure if this works as well as I thought it would but wouldn't know unless I got feed back from the ones I disrupted. With majority of our skills being effective only in cover makes us sitting ducks in a fast pace game of Huttball. Lethal is somewhat effective at lower levels but come 50's the players debuff alot more making that talent less effective. Healing while in combat, ok I know we're not healers but having the ability of being able to escape combat allowing us to heal for a breif moment is on my wish list.


One thing I've learned is that being a sniper takes some improvising, we are definatly not a PVP easy mode class. We can spec to put out damage and be tops in kills no problem. But to totally be effective with our class as it stands now you need to realize your limitations and group accordingly. If you're in a Huttball game with 3 other snipers 2 Juggs a stealth Op and 2 powertechs you're not gonna get healed you're gonna be the weakest target for other team so you're gonna have to be on the move with our lack of immune to snares while mobile we do not make good ball carriers.


Now in other WZ's we can be effective as defense. I play engineer sniper using plasma probes to detect stleathers use orbit strike to defend enemy from cappin turrets planting bombs etc .


All around our class is playable and effective in PVP just gotta know your limits know your place on your team.

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fun getting 3 shotted with 13k hp... 7k 3k 3k by an operative... seriously it's a joke... even if i use Escape and then stun the target, i will just to watch him use escape and finish me off anyway... is there even any point me gearing this character up or will i manage to get to 4 shot then?


ops are getting nerfed in tomorrow morning's patch so you shouldn't have to worry about it anymore...


read the patch notes... or read the operative boards, you'll see for yourself...

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