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Noob question as to Interrupt Spells


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Can someone please list, with specificity, what our interrupt spells are? (FYI, at this time, my sentinel is 33 with a watchman spec).


I know about force kick

I understand force stasis can act as an interrupt (longer CD, tho).

I remember reading that our leap skill can interrupt, but that is of marginal use if i am right next to my mob (we are, after all a melee class).

What else do we have? Or is that it?

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What you just said were the 3 interupts.


Awe and Disable droid could also interupt...I guess...


As for Force Leap, you could run away from your enemie, while using 'cripling throw' or 'blade storm' to fill in the gap and then use force leap...there is a talent that also reduces the minimum distance of force leap to be able to use it point blank.

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Thanks for the info.


I intend to explore putting points into the skills that allow us to reduce the force leap distance, as well as the CD on kick.


Please correct me if i am wrong, but I am getting the sense from reviewing the forums that interrupts grow in importance as we continue to level and face ever more challenging mobs.


Does anyone feel that spending points on improving our interrupts does not prove beneficial as i continue to progress? (i.e. your thoughts on cost/benefit of using points on those skills?)

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Force Kick, Force Stasis and Force Leap are the three, yes.

Stasis and Leap will interrupt, where Kick interrupts and blocks the enemy from recasting for a couple of seconds, making it the most useful of the three.


If you're a Watchman (which most Sentinels are), you get talents that reduce the cooldown on leap AND reduce its range so you can use it from melee range. In my opinion, probably the best talent the Watchman has. Also in Watchman you get a talent that reduces the cooldown of Force Kick to the point that you should almost always be able to use it to interrupt, since the cooldown is about as long as the seal effect it has.

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the only one i think important to talent into is the force leap at 0 meters. Thats like a huge backup if you kicked the wrong thing, and its much quicker cooldown than stasis.


even though its not an interrupt you do have the 90% reduction to hit you can use on a target too. Pretty useful in keeping damage down on yourself/companion

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  • 5 months later...
What you just said were the 3 interupts.


Awe and Disable droid could also interupt...I guess...


As for Force Leap, you could run away from your enemie, while using 'cripling throw' or 'blade storm' to fill in the gap and then use force leap...there is a talent that also reduces the minimum distance of force leap to be able to use it point blank.


all force leap should be at greate distances,, like 20 meters. Kinda dump a charge when you're already close. Force leap is too over, only thing knights do is get jumping on you, jedi frogs

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