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What happened to you Bioware?


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There is no excuse for all these bugs. Its not just graphical glitches anymore, or a small quest, now its b/s patches, incompetent changes, and a broken end game thats been in that state since beta and ignored so far. My guild has finally started doing end game FP's building ourselves up. So far we've done D7 and False Emperor. BOTH of those FP's have broken buggy bosses. D7 has 2! One of us was in beta, remembers reporting these bugs, and NOTHING has been done about it. Seriously? I have been extremely patient, only being slightly disappointed at the amount of bugs the game was released with ... but it seems every day that passes, every level I gain, gets worse and worse.


D7 - Interrogator(?) first actual boss - If youre lucky it works. However 6/7 times (so far), he will bug out during the fight and continue spawning clones (adds), even after he loses his invulnerability! So finally we beat him because the bug doesnt pop up until later in the fight and we were able to just burn him down. Boss is dead, is it over? No! Somehow the ghost of this boss continues to spawn more clones, sometimes 2 at a time until the party wipes. Luckily I was able to Force Cloak and rez everyone so we can get out loot.


Bulwark- Decent fight, love the mechanics. Bulwark Smash is supposed to be interrupted. I KNOW I got it every single time, I literally SEE the cast bar stop and say interrupted in bright red letters, yet every single time, as if by magic, the tank still loses a BIG chunk of HP around the time the cast bar would have finished anyway.


False Emperor - Bounty Hunter boss - using the turrets on his ship only works the first time. After that no matter how many times you shoot it, unless you hit your cue perfectly, the fight bugs out. After 3 wipes we finally figured lets zerg the console "he cant interupt us all." Eureka! It worked! After we were done with the ship ... "um, why is the boss suddenly tagged?" ... Oh awesome! We lost ownership of the boss and cannot loot it. Oh but look, the ship we finally destroyed, belonging to the boss whose corpes is rotting right in front of us has suddely popped up and is shooting us. Are you kidding me?


These are just the more recent ones that have completely flipping my opinion of the game and the developers around. Call it trolling, call it what ever you want, but yesterday (first False Emperor run) was the first time EVER that we've shown signs of getting fed up, and contemplating quitting the game for at least 6 months. So no fanboys, it isnt just the forum trolls blowing hot air by claiming they have entire guilds quitting because of a broken game.


What the hell happened to you Bioware? Ever since EA started writing your paychecks EVERYTHING you do has lost its quality. ME2, DA2's story is among the worst ive seen in a Bioware game. DA2 was the buggiest crap I have ever installed on my computer. And now this, the buggiest MMO I have ever played at release in my 9 years of playing them.


We'll probably try running Battle of Ilum today ... can wait to see what surprises are in store for us there. :rolleyes:


Thats it. Just my message to Bioware if theyre even bothering to read. Not here to discuss or fight off raging fanbois who arent even near end game telling me the last month didnt really happen, particularly the last few days detailed above. Mods feel free to lock it as Ive been seeing you do for the last 3 years, your ignorance is only hurting the game, and your jobs.

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Let me ask you this. You work for Bioware, one of the premier game developers on the planet and suddenly EA, the most hated game maker on the planet comes and buys your company for 750 million dollars.


You look around. You see what they did to Mythic. You start to wonder, exactly what is my lifespan at this company?


Then you start looking for another job. If you're talented and special you get another job. If you're just mediocre, you're stuck until they eventually fire you.


Repeat this process and see what kind of talent you are left with after a couple of years.


This pretty much explains everything, IMHO.

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D7 is buggy, if the first boss bugged on you, why not just all eat the wipe, reset the instance, and try again...O NOES NOT TRASH LEADING TO ZEE BOSS


False Emp- BH fight, took a couple times to realize that the only thing you really need to do, is interrupt the missle lock when it reaches >300%damage, everything else just ignore and kill the boss, quite easy really.



I think you are just bad, and impatient. Maybe you should go play something less strategic?

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Let me ask you this. You work for Bioware, one of the premier game developers on the planet and suddenly EA, the most hated game maker on the planet comes and buys your company for 750 million dollars.


You look around. You see what they did to Mythic. You start to wonder, exactly what is my lifespan at this company?


Then you start looking for another job. If you're talented and special you get another job. If you're just mediocre, you're stuck until they eventually fire you.


Repeat this process and see what kind of talent you are left with after a couple of years.


This pretty much explains everything, IMHO.



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What happened to Bioware is the same thing that happened to Blizzard, they got bought and are a shell of their former self. This is essentially what happens to all creativity in the US thanks to how economics and mass media work. This is also why small dev houses create far more interesting experiences with a tiny fraction of what the giants spend.
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D7 is buggy, if the first boss bugged on you, why not just all eat the wipe, reset the instance, and try again...O NOES NOT TRASH LEADING TO ZEE BOSS


False Emp- BH fight, took a couple times to realize that the only thing you really need to do, is interrupt the missle lock when it reaches >300%damage, everything else just ignore and kill the boss, quite easy really.



I think you are just bad, and impatient. Maybe you should go play something less strategic?


Try reading posts before posting incoherent, completely incompetent responses to them. The OP clearly outlined how these fights bugged out. In what fanboy fantasy world does this translate into him being bad at strategy?

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The Developers of SWTOR is not the Bioware you know. It's a "new" studio in Texas with the Bioware name slapped on by EA.


People really should remember that. The developers behind SWTOR has basically nothing to do with "Bioware's" previous titles.

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Nothing "happened" to Bioware. You just fell into all the vile sarcastic comments and misinformation in these forums. The best way to enjoy the game is to not set your expectations so high for a launch game and stay away from the general forums.


How dare these consumers expect a quality product from what has always been a quality developer. It's our fault for expecting anything. We should just accept whatever we get and be grateful.

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Nothing "happened" to Bioware. You just fell into all the vile sarcastic comments and misinformation in these forums. The best way to enjoy the game is to not set your expectations so high for a launch game and stay away from the general forums.


Ah the Ostrich theory. Just bury your head in the sand and everything will be just peachy.


Sorry, I use my brain. I think I'll keep it, TYVM.

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The Developers of SWTOR is not the Bioware you know. It's a "new" studio in Texas with the Bioware name slapped on by EA.


People really should remember that. The developers behind SWTOR has basically nothing to do with "Bioware's" previous titles.


The quality in writing is proof enough in that regard. From KOTOR 2 to Dragon Age 2, Bioware's writing was all kinds of ***.

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Try reading posts before posting incoherent, completely incompetent responses to them. The OP clearly outlined how these fights bugged out. In what fanboy fantasy world does this translate into him being bad at strategy?



Try actually doing the fights and succeeding at them without whining and crying they are bugged. The "fanboy fantasy world" it translates into is the one where people don't QQ and rage quit when stuff in a new MMO is buggy.


First, the OP outlined a bug in D7, what's the first rule of trouble shooting? That's right folks, R E S T A R T.


The OP clearly outlined how they did not perform mechanics correctly for the 2nd fight he outlined, thus bad at figuring out strategy, try harder.

Edited by SWToRBurns
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Let me ask you this. You work for Bioware, one of the premier game developers on the planet and suddenly EA, the most hated game maker on the planet comes and buys your company for 750 million dollars.


You look around. You see what they did to Mythic. You start to wonder, exactly what is my lifespan at this company?


Then you start looking for another job. If you're talented and special you get another job. If you're just mediocre, you're stuck until they eventually fire you.


Repeat this process and see what kind of talent you are left with after a couple of years.


This pretty much explains everything, IMHO.




People jumping ship and EA bleeding both creativity and competence is basically a staple of the industry right now, and have been for years. It's half the reason EA has been working hard on their image (by issuing empty promises about, what? A year ago? More?).


The quality in writing is proof enough in that regard. From KOTOR 2 to Dragon Age 2, Bioware's writing was all kinds of ***.


KotOR2 was developed by Obsidian, not Bioware. The release of KotOR 2 and it's broken state was because Obsidian wanted more time, but they weren't given it.


Dragon Age 2 (aka Dragon Effect) is entirely a post-EA creation, which explains why all the promises of "We want our two franchises to take two different directions" was all thrown down the gutter.


EA saw a huge opportunity in the new franchise and marketed it into the ground.

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I think the time has passed where people can say the game just came out so its ok. These bugs have been in the game for OVER A MONTH and they still arent fixed.


I would really like to pvp with it counting. I would like to raid without bosses bugging out or not being able to loot ****.


I would like this 15 fps 10% gpu load **** to be fixed, I feel like im playing on a pentium 4 at times.

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I'm still upset with their writing department for the travesty that was Dragon Age 2.


Eh. I thought Dragon Age 1 was far more bland and predictable. /shrug


Things like this are very much a matter of personal taste, experience, etc.

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Eh. I thought Dragon Age 1 was far more bland and predictable. /shrug


Things like this are very much a matter of personal taste, experience, etc.


I put over 180 hours into Dragon Age: Origins and the expansion over the course of a couple playthroughs. I couldn't even force myself to finish Dragon Age 2 one time. That speaks volumes.

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I think the time has passed where people can say the game just came out so its ok. These bugs have been in the game for OVER A MONTH and they still arent fixed.

Fine, but when bugs persist in other games for years it's ok? Good logic. Do you code MMO's? Do you know what it takes to debug, evaluate, and then fix code for said encounters? No, you don't, you post on a forum at work like me.


I would really like to pvp with it counting. I would like to raid without bosses bugging out or not being able to loot ****.

While I cannot speak for raiding as my guild is very slow, meh, so sorry you didn't get shinies, they aren't everything. PVPing without counting? Stop Afking when your team goes down 1-0 in Huttball... It's pretty easy for it to "count" if you don't "desert".


I would like this 15 fps 10% gpu load **** to be fixed, I feel like im playing on a pentium 4 at times. Research, test, tweak settings? I have a middle of the road machine, and run 35+ fps even in pvp/ilum/fleet.


Responses in Red :D

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Try actually doing the fights and succeeding at them without whining and crying they are bugged. The "fanboy fantasy world" it translates into is the one where people don't QQ and rage quit when stuff in a new MMO is buggy.


First, the OP outlined a bug in D7, what's the first rule of trouble shooting? That's right folks, R E S T A R T.


The OP clearly outlined how they did not perform mechanics correctly for the 2nd fight he outlined, thus bad at figuring out strategy, try harder.


Oh is that so? So basically your answer is Restart the entire instances you've just spent about an hour on and HOPE the bug doesnt happen again.


As for the rest ... are you brain dead? Or did you not read the parts where we actually got past these bugs after much headache. Oh and lets not forget the part where we didnt even get credit for the boss we just wiped 3-4 times trying to beat a bug ... not the boss ... a bug!


Im sure such an expert masterful fanboi gamer like yourself can magically clear FP's in 30 minutes with your eyes closed and find ways around bugs (like 15 adds spawned in under a minute!) before they even pop up ... but the rest of us cant actually use the force in RL and thus get stuck, frustrated, trying to figure out if someone just messed up or if its just more of Bioware's incompetence.

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Basically what we have here is a power hungry corporation trying to rule the world, what is new. I am referring to EA of course...and I have to say I would not mind if someone blew that company off the face of the earth.


Almost guaranteed the world would be at least a little better of a place.

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Nothing "happened" to Bioware. You just fell into all the vile sarcastic comments and misinformation in these forums. The best way to enjoy the game is to not set your expectations so high for a launch game and stay away from the general forums.




People don't come to the forums much to crow about how good the game is or what a great company Bioware is. The come to complain and they do............a lot. If you just got your game information from these forums you would never ever participate in any MMO that contains one bug and that doesn't please everyone all the time.


The fact is, people can and will complain about anything and everything. You don't have to go any farther than these forums to see that born out.


And of course, if you come into these forums and have the gall to disagree with any of the negative nates, why you're a fanboi so you must be wrong and therefore be ignored.


People............too funny, but very entertaining. Reading these forums is almost as much fun as playing the game.

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"I think you are just bad, and impatient. Maybe you should go play something less strategic? "



People need to stop telling other people to play something else, because one day, that may come back and bite you in the A#@, when you start crying that the servers are dead.

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I think the time has passed where people can say the game just came out so its ok. These bugs have been in the game for OVER A MONTH and they still arent fixed.


I would really like to pvp with it counting. I would like to raid without bosses bugging out or not being able to loot ****.


I would like this 15 fps 10% gpu load **** to be fixed, I feel like im playing on a pentium 4 at times.




A month is nothing. Do you really expect a game of this scope to be brushed and polished after a month? Do you know what that takes?


Again, let's look at the most successful MMO ever, WoW: Classes/Specs were broken for YEARS. It took 5 years for a decent LFG tool. It took an entire life-cycle to expansion for them to BEGIN to hit their stride.


WoW Vanilla was terrible. Patches didn't make the game "unplayable" because of changes--the game was literally unplayable. You couldn't log into servers for hours (sometimes days) at a time. The forums raged about that same things. If you insert "Horde" for "Sith" and "Alliance" for "Republic" you'll get the same thing. Instead of Guild Wars 2 the thing that was going to sink it was EQ2. Instead of comparisons to WoW, it was compared to EQ.


I've seen the same arguments made about the same things in the same timeline, and WoW went on to become one of the most successful games in history. Yes, it's 7 years later, but basic MMO launch problems will always be the same. There's no such thing as a perfect launch with a game of this magnitude, but, to be honest, I'd say I can tell the difference between WoW's launch 7 years ago and Bioware's launch 1 month ago. SWTOR has, for the most part, been pretty smooth (especially compared to WoW).

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DA2 was a character-driven drama that attempted literary fiction in a venue where genre fiction is all that exists. For a game, it did very well. Unfortunately, most gamers do not read or understand literary fiction, so they said the story was bad.


Don't worry, I'm sure DA3 will be another monomyth with plenty of shiney things to keep your attention. .

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