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Best Companion for Sentinel??


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Personally, I've been finding it to be entirely dependent on the content.


Currently I'm overleveled soloing my way through Balmorra after having gotten Doc, and I'm finding he is able to allow me to more easily solo Heroic 2 and 4 content, more easily than Kira.

With Kira, heroic content was always a race. Sure, I could set her to attack first, grab aggro of the pack, but the MOMENT I get into combat, my self healing would pull EVERYTHING except her target back onto me, at which point I would burn as hard as possible and hope that my health didn't go away before the pack was dead.

With Doc, I've been finding it to yes, go more slowly, but the fights are FAR less stressful, and I could focus more on just burning down my enemies. His healing would cause him to peel off a few targets, but mostly he was perfectly capable of keeping himself alive, in addition to me. Finally, he makes AoEing packs down more doable, as you're suffering more damage for longer, but your overall DPS on 4 or more targets seems higher.


Doc's steadier and safer, with almost never needing Introspection, Kira's riskier, faster fights, but more down-time spent kneeling between fights. Take your pick.


Haven't gotten to Lord Scourge yet, but I'm looking forward to seeing how he performs.

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Ship droid is actually a good healer, I leveled a long way with him on my Gunslinger.


On my sent I stuck with T7 from day one until Level 50.

Later I did Makeb with Treek in healing stance, She is by far the best companion for a Sent plus you can give her 78 random drops from Dread OPs to equip - which obviously doesn't work with T7, as he requires droid armour. But sometimes I still pull out T7 as he's just the iconic companion for a Jedi - plus I love the noises he makes :-)


Basically I'd advise every DPS class to play with a tank (for your Sent that'd be T7 (ranged) or Scourge (melee)) as that simply teaches you how to play: You learn many of the skills you'll later need for group challenges in endgame.


Have fun with that brilliant class! :-)

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