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Light/Dark side points forfeit


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Hi all,


Don't really know where this should be on the forums, so if i'm in the wrong place I apologise. This isn't a whinge, just a humble suggestion about how BW could possibly enhance the game's story and get my two cents in, as everyone seems to be doing.


I'm loving the story at the moment, but one thing thats getting on my gonads is the way that the dark/light system is interfering with the way I want to play the game. I want to play dark side, and a majority of my decisions agree with this, however there are some instances where my story choices would lead to a gain in light side points and a loss in dark side alignment, therefore punishing me for doing so. A perhaps simple way to avoid this, and allow players to properly embrace the story, rather than always having one eye on furthering our ambitions to obtain dark/light side based rewards is to have the ability to choose the story option that suits you, but be able to forfeit the gain in light/dark side points, therefore not gaining any points at all, but not being punished. I have no qualms with not being able to gain dark side points for choosing "light side" story options, but I feel that a player shouldnt be placed at a disadvantage for doing so.


Any answer from a BW employee at all would be awesome, and if someone has suggested this before, sorry again, I did a brief search but couldnt be bothered to trawl through every thread :D


Thanks if you managed to read this text wall.


The Sponge.

Edited by CptSponge
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I think this is one of the best parts of the game. Life seldom presents you with clean, easy solutions which are easy to make. Sometimes you have to make a decision which goes against everything you believe in order to serve a greater good.


During the beginning of the BH storyline, I started off going full dark side. Then I had to make a decision about a man's fate, and the result of the dark side choice was so horrific to me as a parent that I re-rolled and went full light side. I don't think any game has made me question my choices like this one has.


I think that taking that away would be a serious mistake. And in the grand scheme of things, one or two +50 or +100 choices in the opposite direction of what you want to play won't break you. One run through BT will make up for that pretty quickly :)




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Whether it's going against your beliefs for the greater good, persuing your ideals against all odds, or following the beat of a different drum...Stop obsessing over the points.

Being a creature of emotion and passion, even me as a Sith Warrior have been known to takes measures that are not all "Death and blood for the blood god, woe to the orphans". Not because it's arbitrarily a Light Side choice, but because in terms of my characters nature, Dark or Light, that is his chosen assesment and action.


This is a roleplaying game, chief. Choose decisions based to type, not on what the statistics they'll provide.

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On my full light/full dark characters, if I want to choose the other option, I do... and then I can just run a flashpoint another time to negate the fact that I chose the "wrong" alignment in a story conversation.


If you have diplomacy, then it's even easier to get rid of the effects of your opposite choice.

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"I saved this orphan's life and now I have this strange feeling inside. I don't like it. Is there a way to make it stop??!!"




Like others said, you need to let go of either your roleplaying or your desire for pure darkside points because the two will clash with each other. For all my Sith characters, and even my light ones but consular, there are both dark and light side points. I gave up hopes of even keeping dark side I for most of them. They're just not into the whole GARRR I STEP ON PUPPY'S NECK TODAY. FOR FUNS!!!


"Let GO of your feelings!"

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