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Ideas For the Future of SWTOR (come share them)


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Not an entire skill tree but basically the ability to choose between 2 or 3 sub classes for your companion so they can be either : HEALER, TANK or DPS. I dislike that I am pigeon holed into using certain companion because they are more efficent, this affects my personal story.



Basically, this would help with those of us that want to expore and really take in the universe after we have completed the questlines. As of now i dont want to fight my way from point A to point B on a planet i have already visted, this limits locations currently for RP as well.



I am not a huge fan of orange gear, i would like to see the ability to keep gear from the begining of the game onward. I do not like the current pvp gear sets and that stuff should be removable and be able to be placed in anything else without punishment.


GCW planetary control and pvp rank system

This was implemented in SWG during the last couple of years and it keep me logging in all the time.

Basically, factions would battle for control of planets by being either going "overt" and killing other players or by killing NPCS. The losing faction on a planet would suffer an increase in prices of items and shuttles while the winning faction would receive a decrease. Plus factional presence changes in areas.

The negative and positive effects only affected ranked players so people that did not participate in pvp did not suffer due to planetary control.

Edited by kirorx
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There is already a suggestion thread that is almost 80 pages long, and not a sticky, good luck with this thread. It will soon be on page 3, then page 4, then page 5, then in oblivion.


They always are. My last epic thread lasted for over 100 pages and had 30,000 views.

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Not an entire skill tree but basically the ability to choose between 2 or 3 sub classes for your companion so they can be either : HEALER, TANK or DPS. I dislike that I am pigeon holed into using certain companion because they are more efficent, this affects my personal story.


Unfortunately, the trinity approach is the only way these games work. There has never been a good solution to this aside from the trinity itself. What happens is either everyone plays the most efficient class (say a fireball spewing wizard with ungodly DPS but can tank), or plays something else for whatever reason and claims that one class is OP. They have to make roles for people, it helps organize us unwashed masses logging in.

Edited by QDMcGraw
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Customizable mount's that you can actually equipt your mount with better armor so it can take more damage before being dissmounted, increase it's speed, maybe some sort of dye thing so you can change the color of it.
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Some good ideas here...they need to be moved to the Suggestions Forum.


Maybe even have a new post started there.


This thread is meant as a distraction for the Doom and Gloom threads. Sure, these things may never get enacted (especially on the wrong board), but it's fun to dream. I know everything mentioned here is mentioned there. I just happen to be championing the Epic Quest line for Changing Faction. It was an idea I came up with and will rally the troops behind me on.

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I'd like to see alignment turned into much more of a gameplay mechanic.


Have areas that boost the stats of light-side characters while debuffing dark side characters according to how dark side they are. And vice-versa. Neutrals remain unaffected.


I'd also love to see much more world PvP, however that could be accomplished.

Edited by PibbyPib
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Sorry I stopped reading after the first sentence. Your remarks were uncalled for, rude, obnoxious and immature. Next time present your ideas without the preamble.


I'm sorry you took them personally, I thought all of their (your?) kind followed through with the threats and actually quit. I truthfully didn't expect any of them to hang around past the 30 day mark.

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I'm sick of mail boxes in general. It's the future. Have that little robot that shows up every time I finish a bonus quest to give me my next bonus quest just stop by and bring me my packages. It's so silly to have to go to mail boxes.


We already accept the extremely unrealistic scenario where you can go to ANY mailbox on ANY planet and all your mail will be in there, including physical items. If we can accept that your mail can magically teleport between all mail boxes then why can't we just accept that mail gets directly delivered to your character wherever he/she is?

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I like most of your ideas OP,even the lfg as long as it is only server wide,no cross server.I would love to see some different end game options,rift and warhammer had the great idea of group quest areas where everyone in the area could take part,guild wars 2 looks like it is taking that another step further,So I would love to see something like that for end game.

For some reason developers think that all people want to do end game is raid and pvp,I'm not really interested in either that much so would love to see some different type of end game.

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Here are my thoughts on the OP, plus some additions.


Mail on Ship (+++)

A great idea. I mean, it's essentially email right?


Customizable UI (++)

The windows do get very crowded on my laptop. It would be nice to scale and rearrange, but this is already coming according to Jim-O, so let's stop asking for it.


A lit less sharding (++)

Yes. We need to get the impression that the players inhabit the world, not the NPCs.


Crew Skills (+)

Yes, but I'd be happier to get a mod removal station on my ship.


Non-Tethered Agro (--)

I play a Trooper, and I must say it already breaks my immersion when I'm gunning down a mob and the dudes down the hall don't even seem to notice. Also, unless you're soloing Flashpoints, I don't think this is necessary.


Damage Meters (---)

No, no, and no! But seriously, why not give it a try and see how this game evolves without them. Imagine the next time you respond to an LFG, they come back with "what's your DPS? Sorry, need at least 10K." I understand why these are desired, but I'd also like to see how the community can innovate without this data.


LFG Tool (-)

Eventually this game will need it, but it doesn't right now. It's not like there are 3 expansions worth of Flashpoints and Operations.


Pre-Made Group Tools for PVP (+++)

This isn't in the game already? Why not? Competition is what PvP is all about.


Epic Quest to change Faction (+++++)

This is exactly the kind of thinking that should be going into this game from this point forward. Let's not focus on what other MMOs have that we don't, let's focus on bringing elements to this game that substantially set it apart. The entire Star Wars mythos is built around the struggle between light and dark, and the temptations that draw us down either path. Let's play that up in the very mechanics of the game.


Additionally, here are some very important features that need to be added.


Chat Bubbles

Has anyone here ever RP'd before? They don't have to look like a comic book. Just get them in. I'll include some concept illustrations in a later post.


Night/Day Cycles and/or Weather

Has anyone noticed the night/day feature is built into the Hero Engine? Please, let's make these worlds feel alive.


Interaction with NPCs and Environment

I can sit on my ship, but not in a Cantina. I can click on my companions and they make a peep, but most NPCs don't. This may seem like a trivial thing, but we have game here based around story, which is a type of immersion. Extend that into every facet of the game. Hammer it into your development team. Some rats and critters and such wouldn't hurt either.


To the devs: If you add these things, and embrace a philosophy of differentiation, and let the story of TOR unfold in every facet of the worlds you create, you will undoubtedly find success. If, however, you fold to the pressure to make your game even a knock-off of other MMOs, you'll always be an imitation. Thank you, and may the Force be with you. Always.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Pod Racing game on Tatooine (:


oh - and auction hubs on our ships would be cool.


I would also like the ability to choose what weapon type I use within reason for my character and to choose for my companions. Id like the freedom to choose their weapons without the game spoonfeeding me and limiting my customization.


Also - I would like to know why so many NPC's use melee weapons. I see imperial troops with swords. It really doesn't make sense to me why anyone would use swords or melee in a universe with laser guns, but every other guy has a sword. But I guess that is a little unrelated...

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  • 4 months later...

@ Above: POD RACING! YES!!!


The thing that bugs me in this game the most is they missed an Officer Class! They missed the opportunity for players to have their own Moff Tarkin or Admiral Ackbar storyline! In Tor, I want nothing more then to play as a Moff...


About the suggestions you made (Ones they didn't already implement) Damage meter: meh. Mail on Ship: YES! I forget the other ones, my memory isn't great.


-Cheers to you on your quest for these changes

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Pod Racing game on Tatooine (:


oh - and auction hubs on our ships would be cool.


I would also like the ability to choose what weapon type I use within reason for my character and to choose for my companions. Id like the freedom to choose their weapons without the game spoonfeeding me and limiting my customization.


Also - I would like to know why so many NPC's use melee weapons. I see imperial troops with swords. It really doesn't make sense to me why anyone would use swords or melee in a universe with laser guns, but every other guy has a sword. But I guess that is a little unrelated...


If they added a stadium somewhere on Tat that would take you to an instance and there were terminals where you can select instances to "watch them" with upgrades to pods and stuff (starship upgrades?) or something of the sort, I would love that. Perhaps as an expansion to Outlaw's Den there is an underground circuit hub where players can go and compete in pod racing?

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