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So lets summarize some communication from producer


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As it seems the Bioware producer is out of sync with the condtion of the game.

He keeps not hearing the issues of the game and think that major patch is


1. Guild bank (that even the free games have it)

2. Ui modification that also the game should have it from the start.


He said he listen the comminuty and he call us liers when we say we have low fps on mass pvp and the ability issue is cause we have low end pcs.


Bioware you had the chicken with the golden egg and you just killed the chicken.


All servers now becoming light (europe and america).

Thats the future you want to see on this Big project?


The Pve Raids has many bugs and even after 1 month they didnt fix them.

The loot system with the auto name bags is also broken

You made a major patch (1.1) that included new fp and new bosses on palace without have the other problems fixed

What about difficulty modes that cant be changed?

Second boss eternity vault doesnt changes platforms and jumps at the same spot all the time and ending in the lava with no platform nowhere?

Pylons boss that doenst lock correcly and spawns 6 elite adds at each lock?

At last boss eternity vault you stay inside the mind traps after boss is down?


Its really a shame.

Edited by Vqader
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