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Aurebesh Translations


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I just translated some of the Aurebesh signs I found on Correlia. Up to now there weren't any real suprises but you may see for yourself:






"Speeder recharge area"



"Power droid incorporated

Power up

Now Fully stocked on new models

Meeting all your droid needs for home an business."



The sign to the left reads "Danger" and right:

"Relay juncture

Droid recharge and power units

located on sub section."



"Keep out"



"Farwan and Glott" - The name of a Pod-Racer manufacturer



"DY Corellia Service inc" - probably the name of the local transportation service






Left"Weststar resort" right "Wanted"



If you want to translate something for yourself you can find the alphabet e.g. here


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Have you found some funny signs so far? Actually i was hoping to find some funny notes (eastereggs) hidden by the (or some) developers. But so far it was all pretty regular.


Like these ones:



All personel must register with planet regulation.

System jumpers must conform to planetary law and codes.



Vehicles in restricted zones are subject to stellar regulation.

Buckle up it's the law.

Blaster free zone.



Watch step


Construction zones are off limits to any unauthorized personel.

Any vehicle or lift should be approved by a sub level zone officer.




Tracking seizmic activity

Log number twenty one lock

Assessing data logs end.

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I've been doing this myself ever since I saw the signs on Nar Shaddaa, because with even a barely passing knowledge of the alphabet some of those signs looked really messed up. Like the Welcome to Nar Shaddaa sign (sadly no screenshots). Looks like the Welcome to Las Vegas sign, except the N looks like an upside down E - |/\ = \/| = E, (/\ = N, but that's a minor nitpick. The first letter in Shaddaa is a bit off, but while the H/A's are correct, the D's are a symbol I've never seen before and can't find anywhere.


A friend who is big into SW lore says it might have been done on purpose because the Hutts are awful at the language, so it's a kind of Engrish. A good example is the bottom of the aforementioned Welcome sign, where it says 'Nal Hutta' except the letters are both upside down and mirrored.


Signs found elsewhere on the galaxy, while not completely flawless, are generally much better. There's one sign all over Corellia (and I believe I've seen it elsewhere) that's just horrible gibberish with symbols that don't appear in the above wiki's listing, individual letters being backwards or upside down or both, etc.


It's interesting the added depth you can get from the game when you learn how to read all these signs though. Wonder if that's intentional.

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