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Warning about Biometric Crystal Alloy


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So, these do not show up in the crafting window. It say that you have 0 wich have already been mentioned here. But I'de also like to warn you guys that if you start to craft an item that requires these and then cancel the craft, you might lose them, atleast i did. I started to craft the Truthseeker lightsaber today to check if it worked. This lightsaber requires 3 Biometric Crystal Alloy and when i aborted the craft i lost them all...
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I read about this before but forgot to add it to the bug list. Added it now, thanks for reminding me!


p.s. I'm really surprised that somehow the bug list sticky has somehow lost the sticky status overnight. I already reported it, but no response yet.

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I cancelled a queued Rakata Supercommando's Bracers craft and did not lose the biometric crystal alloy. Perhaps it's an intermittent bug, or only affects certain schematics or crafting skills.


Bummer about your alloys, hopefully they can run that down before too long, or at least the word spreads so people double check BEFORE clicking "Craft Item."

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had a similar though slightly different issue. won the alloy, queued up Zenith to make my re-usable stim, left the instance. he was no longer crafting it upon leaving, I did not have the stim, nor did I have any of the materials which were used to make it. Put in a ticket... however, as I have a different ticket open from 27 days ago I'm not horribly optimistic about it being answered. I think I'll just start closing older tickets of mine at this point.
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Same thing just happened to me this morning. This is going to ruin the game for me. I'll never get those back and I spent days trying to get three to make my tank the Defender's Mettle.


EDIT: I feel like I am PAYING to play a game that should still be in BETA.

Edited by oldmanblast
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