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Sith Warrior and LS (some spoilers regarding Jaesa conversations)


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At the beginning I'd like to say that this thread is more an observation rather than actual complaint as it doesn't concern me.


I played through SW story three times (been switching servers, don't ask). All of them DS. however, being a rabid story fan, I was extremely curious how would the same story look but from a different angle. So I checked youtube for videos showing crucial storyline moments but as LS. Now..


I imagine LS SW as a level-headed character who despite being a Sith, is also rational and sees the big picture (DS is basically "gonna kill you so painfully" chaotic evil Joker kind of thing), hence showing mercy from time to time, especially when the choice is to either kill the target and leave the bystanders alone or to wipe out the entire room. Basically the type who mows through his enemies but isn't all about random killing of the innocents just for the fun of it. Dark character with a bit of grey area with him. And seeing some videos, it actually looked like I envinsioned it. You get to your target, you kill him (or spare him but send for questioning when it seems like he has some useful info) but don't go into overkill mode.


Then I stumbled upon LS Jaesa convo vids.


Seriously, if I heard the idea of reforming the Empire earlier, I'd likely see it like

Malgus does in Ilum questline - still an Empire but without foolish bickering over who rules but instead, a centralized, conquest-oriented society that accepts everyone who wants to belong



However, in these particular cutscenes, you get the feeling that your character who is a Sith that clawed his way through brutal trials, killed those who would threaten the plans of your master and generally is an unstoppable force of Dark Side (with a little morality mind you), is actually a Jedi infiltrator in Sith ranks.


I mean, really?


There is one cutscene where Jaesa tells you that she found out about a Sith who

hunts and kills other Sith who pose as overseers but actually use and teach others to use the power of the Light Side. Not those who have a bit of morality but don't hesitate to kill when it's necessary (like yourself). She outright says that there are people in Korriban academy that spread the knowledge about Light. False Sith no matter how you like at it.



This is of course (or at least according to how I see it) completely different from the idea of LS SW as she basically describes a Jedi.


So what does your character do? English is not my first language so I don't know the exact word but

he makes the gesture of extreme sadness and it appears like he's on the verge of crying





Seriously, that kind of behavior would suit a devout Jedi Master who learns that his covert operative and friend at the same time, got captured and killed and not an accomplished Sith Warrior who, despite being more rational than most of his peers who are bent on destruction, is still a Sith and follows the Sith way.


To conclude, I know this isn't a big issue as it's more of a "bonus" outside main storyline but nevertheless it feels wrong when you think about it.

Edited by gibmachine
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