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To Kill A Legend - weirdness


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40 pages in this forum without a search function - bleh


Anyway - I searched back quite a bit and saw nothing on this so I will mention it in case it was more than a weird thing just for my entertainment..


When I went into the elevator to go to the hanger with the jedi I needed to slay - I was killed as soon as I spawned. I did this 3 times and never even could SEE the npc killing me.


I had my girl on SNIPER to keep here from the fray and I decided to switch her to assault with the spray function hot - hope was to at least last long enough to toss a heal pot or something down.


Lo and behold - no insta-gib... I had to walk into the hanger to talk to the jedi. Not an easy kill but doable.


So the lesson here is if this is happening to you - try putting pet on assault instead of sniper. I have no idea if this made a difference or if the program finally figured out I had not talked to her yet - oh well - on to the next weird thang, heh heh


***** TL DR VERSION ******

If you die all the time when you spawn at top of elevator try putting pet to Assault Mode instead of Sniper.

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