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VS pyro power tech


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The Marauder is at a bit of a disadvantage vs the powertech pyrotech.


Two things are going to remain constant throughout the entire fight.


1. You will be snared. Flame Burst applies Combustible Gas Cylinder 100% of the time when talented which will also snare you by 50%.


2. You will have 2 DoTs on you always. Combustible Gas Cylinder and Incendiary Missile are the two DoTs.


Every 15s, you are going to eat a Thermal Detonator and Rail Shot combo for a good chunk of your health. They can hit for over 5k each on crit, but 3000 is more normal for crits, and 1300 for non-crits. The TD is tech and the RS is ranged, so Saber Ward can save you from the Rail Shot.


Your best chance is as Annihilation, taking the 100% damage reduction during Force Camo. Your contact time can be low on the PT, so DoTs of your own will help.


The PT will likely open with Thermal Detonator > Incendiary Missile > Rail Shot for some initial burst. Force Camo immediately when TD lands on you. Be careful because he can drop a Stealth Scan to break your stealth. If he lands the Stealth Scan, it's game over.


Charge and Cloak of Pain once the TD is wasted by your Force Camo. The DoTs will refresh your Cloak, so you don't have to worry about that. Snare him immediately upon making contact. If you don't keep him snared, he will keep you snared and strafe kite you to keep you within your melee range and Charge range dead zone (unless you are Annihilation to remove the distance requirement on it) while still being able to land Flame Burst and Rail Shots on you.


Your defenses are better than his thanks to Cloak of Pain while it's up. Retaliation is important to make sure you can keep it up. You can Saber Ward the second burst ~20s into the fight to give you more time and likely make him waste Rail Shot if he isn't dead yet. If you survive 2 burst rotations, the PT will likely be overheated, making him a free kill for you.

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I actually have a 50 powertech and a marauder alt. I ran him pyro for a long time, but he's now shield tech.


One thing I hate about fighting warriors in general is you cannot completely resource starve them like you can every other class. I guess that's the price for being able to do damage from range. Once the fight goes long enough, the warrior will win, always. It's why you are targeted first.

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I actually have a harder time against Smugglers/Operatives. They tend to burn my health out before I can escape. Correctly timed Undying Rage/Force Camouflage with Annihilation is about the only thing.


Yea this guys pretty much own me. But im fresh 50 with only 2xchampion items.

I hope it will get better after i stack more expertise.

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