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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

No Native Gamepad Support???


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It's definitely not a deal-breaker, but I'm pretty bummed that I have to load up a third party program and configure it in order to use my beloved controller which works fine in games like DC Universe Online and Champions Online.


What's the rationale for this. Using the KBM for me gets uncomfortable after half an hour. I did okay during the beta with KBM, but I have issues with groups of enemies and turning without flipping the view towards the sky or ground. I'm sure I can adjust after a while but I prefer leaning back and playing rather than hunching over my keyboard. Secondly, I hunt and peck with the number keys...I cheated back in typing class when it came to numbers.


Will full controller support with keymapping be in a future update for us console babies? What are my options without paying for extra software?

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  • 2 months later...

I use the Logitech Wireless Gamepad F710 ($50) and it works great.


It is the same as thier high end wired controller but I paid extra for the wireless fearture because I use it when playing the game on my PC which is hooked up to my entertainment center so that my 52" HDTV is the monitor and the game is in theater quality surround sound. :)


The buttons & sticks can be mapped to operate any key on the keyboard using the included software. I've mapped them to operate all the mouse functions, the 1 thru = row of keyboard buttons, and Ctrl so that I have 24 actions and full movement when using it. All I have to use a keyboard for is ingame chatting.

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