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Proposal to fix excess stuns and knockbacks in this game


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It's excessive. There are way to many stuns and knockbacks for all classes, sometimes making the pvp almost unplayable.


To make my point look at the shaman class in WoW. It has a totem to slow mobs, but only one root (I think it's called frost power). You have to spend talent points in the elemental tree to even get it. If you want it, there are a lot of other abilities you have to forfeit. Personally I don't have it. I will dual spec in the restoration and enhancement tree.


Bioware needs to give each class the opportunity for a stun in the talent tree, that's up high enough that to pay for it you need to give something else up. Make it expensive.


The other option is to leave in abilities that slow other players, and remove all stuns and knockbacks except for pve.

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I have been against CC mechanics since DAOC where 1 realm had more CC options than another. Granted that was a long time ago and my have been worked out.


Back to this game, there is way too many CC options for multiple classes. You can end up CC'd almost constantly, its too much.


Dont get me wrong I still do ok in WZ's, but it is frustrating.


I swear i was CC'd 3 times in a row from a smuggler, not sure if they get that many but between that and them healing themselves its almost impossible to kill them unless you are real good at interupting said heals and getting out of CC yourself.

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