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UI/Icon Cooldown Graphic Change


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I don't understand the intention behind this change. The UI is already confusing enough as it is and the amount of time spent staring at the hotbar while trying to figure out proc'ed abilities and manage cooldowns is already excessive. The change to make icons lit up while on cooldown if you also have enough energy/force/whatever to use them simply makes the UI even MORE confusing.


Please change this back to the way it was previously or at a minimum, if you're going to make changes like this allow us to chose which method we wish to use.


The UI design is, frankly, poor and has a myriad of "Quality of Life" issues. I find it really frustrating that I have to spend time getting used to and compensating for the UI design, only to have it switched after I get used to it, with no option to disable the changes.


I really do not understand the design intent behind the UI. Projects like this usually have a team devoted to making design decisions that enhance the user experience and make their interaction with the game streamlined and intuitive. It makes no sense to me why the UI team would spend time making the UI more confusing and it begs to ask the question: does this team have any experience playing multi-player PC games?

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