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75% price hike for pvp goods


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The main point I wanted to make in this is that since time in memorial, in the gaming world, PvP players HAVE to pve in order to get gear. Now I'm somewhat old school in the fact that the first MMO I ever played was Planetside in which it was completely PvP based with basically no PvE in the entire game. (Unless one counts the automated turrets >.>) I even remember when in WoW one PvPed to GET gear for PvE...


Other than this one example every MMO I have ever played only has PvP as basically "extra" content to be done every once in awhile when not questing. Is it too much to ask for one MMO that let's pvp players just pvp without having to pve for gear? Story lines are cool and all but I like playing against digital enemies that have the ability to think, not still far too unrealistic AI who's one goal in life is to stand still attacking you until killed.


And please don't say go to a PvP server... that's just a good way to get ganked when you actually want to quest for once.


This kind of price hike with no reason given tells me that dream won't happen in this game. I really shouldn't have switched majors to psychology from computer science... Apparently main stream PvE is the name of the game in today's MMOs.

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I apologize if this already has a thread, but I am too lazy to search thousands of pages.


I can't help but notice that it now costs 580/1000 instead of 330/1000 for pvp weapons. And don't even get me started on the gear. Now having read through the patch notes I see nothing listed as to why the price was increased.


Am I the only one that feels like they have been slapped in the face and told to go play PvE?


Now I brought this up on my server and was instantly trolled for not being awesome enough to get 100 tokens per match and that 580 is a drop in the bucket. As a healer I make somewhere between 50-70 per match. 580/70 = 8.2. So I have to play 9 matches to buy a single piece or gear. Am I seriously the only person put out by having to spend 3 hours, 20 minutes a game (if you're lucky and not including time in que), for a single piece of equipment where I could just go kill npcs for 1 hour sell all the loot and buy a comparable weapon?


Does this not reek of the PvE favoritism that we have come to know in so many other games?


Thank you for your time


you see with 1.1a they ninja nerfed how many comms you get?

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