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My View on PvP


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My view on currently PvP, Atm it needs some work.....

Yes its still fun , the 50 bracket is a step in the right direction... but now its time for server to server pvp Queuing. and more lvl brackets along with that. such as ...








That's how the pvp should be for War-zones, this would be possible if they made PvP Server to server.


I understand they wanted the server rival thing to go on, but its just not realistic for Que times and for the over all exp of the PvP aspect of the game.

Yes there are other issues I would like taken care of in pvp as-well but this is the biggest one, and i will not go into detail on the others just yet.

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Totally have to disagree with the level brackets. Actually the bolster system works pretty fine for 10-49 bracket. You may lack some of your skills if really low but it is still possible to beat someone a lot higher. It just get cracked as soon as expertise comes in - so at lvl 50.


Server to server - now that sounds interesting if I mean the same thing as you. Random cross-server PvP is crap. But random draw of 2 or 3 servers competing for a PvP-goal, that would be something different. You´d still need to be in a group of your server (pugs or whatever) but one could nicely outbalance some totally screwed up faction imbalances. I guess that´d be some fun.

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