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Congrat bioware


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You succeded in creating one of the worst games out there and having big sales based solely on names like bioware and star wars...


Game is one of the most greedy and cunning games i have ever seen, it is completely rushed with millions of bugs and has 100 issues


Generic gameplay, nothing important or new...


HOrrible programming and creation of mmos cuz many people have fps issues when there are many players around or even in small warzones... Worthless programming


No real open world pvp


Few horrible warzones and not cross server pvp(Probably because you suck at programming or just wanted to rush the game)


Bolster aka the stupid system to make the game look good at the first glance is horrible...45-50 gear matters, level of skills STILL matter, a naked lvl 10 skill will do far less damage than a naked 50 skill without talents.... And of course talents also give a huge advantage...


No clear patch notes because it only shows 10% of what actually changed and the rest are hidden so people wont get mad before the patch




NO BIOWARE ARE NOT IDIOTS, they purposley kept the 50 vs 10 warzones as long as they could, they purposly increased gear price...But how can mere gamers use their brain to see why a company acts instead of calling the stupid and wrong... gamers only care about feeling better about themselves which in popular term means have fun..


In before gamers get mad and attack, probably the l335 gramer so they can feel superior and ignore this post as untrue xD

Edited by Labradoraki
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Honestly I completely agree with the OP and this tarnishes for me any future bioware games i may consider. Anyone who objectively looks at this game and its gameplay and isnt some flaming fanboi will come to the same conclusion.
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Honestly I completely agree with the OP and this tarnishes for me any future bioware games i may consider. Anyone who objectively looks at this game and its gameplay and isnt some flaming fanboi will come to the same conclusion.


Anyone who has ever played more then WoW will realize this is actually a surprisingly solid game with a really smooth launch.


One bad patch does not compare to months of failure from AoC/Aion/WoW/WH:O/Rift etc

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